Chapter 0 : the day everything changed

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Chapter 0 : the day everything changed :

7 july 1964:

"Mom, will you please tell me a story ?

Hope was seated on the swing in her garden, when her son ask her this with a big smile. She nodded, took her son in his lap and started to swinging then start her story :"Once upon a time, a young lady, who was living in her little village. She worked until late at night and came home quickly so you don't run into any nasty monsters on her way home.

However, one day, while she was walking home, she decided to go on a walk in the forest. She had seen a few days before some mushrooms and she had decided to go and pick them. But, while she was picking the mushrooms, a mad monster appeared, he advance in her direction to eat her. The lady was terrified, fortunately a kind prince arrived, and he affraid the monster with is sword and the monster go away.

This day, the young lady and the prince became deseperately in love. They leave together in the prince's kingdom, they married and had a little boy who they loved more than anything else. And they all lived happily ever after.

- And there you were, girl who was attacked and daddy the boy who saved you! Remus continued smiling.

- Yes," laughed Hope, "you know this story by heart.

- Mommy, look, the sun is going down! Remus exclaimed. "

Hope turned her eyes to the beautiful landscape her son was pointing at right in front of them.Watching the sunset after a story was their little Friday night ritual. Remus' father would be here soon and they would look out into the landscape together, as usual. A quiet little life, amidst the laughter of this little family and the flowers in the garden.

But it was too good to last.

Hope heard Lyall come up behind her and asked, "How was your day?" Hearing no answer from her husband, she turned around and saw to her husband's expression that something serious had happened. "Hope, we need to talk." Hope took her son in her arms and followed her husband into their home. She sent her son to her room to play and asked Lyall what was wrong. He said, "Do you remember the werewolf I told you about, the one suspected of being a killer ?

- Of course, Greyback, one of the most dangerous werewolves, isn't it?" she said.

- Yeah, we were deciding what to do and, and I slipped. I said out loud what I was thinking, I should have kept it to myself..." sighed the wizard.

- What did you say that was so bad? asked Hope more and more worried.

- I said that werewolves were the most vile monsters in existence and that's when Greyback broke into the courtroom. He was arrested and dismissed from the department for interrupting the session, but before leaving the room he swore that he would avenge the affront I had done to his race. I was so stupid! Now he is at large as we could not prove his guilt, and he wants revenge. Lyall lamented.

- What's done is done, now all we can do is protect ourselves from this murderer. There must be some kind of protection spell or something. Hope tried to sound confident, but her trembling voice betrayed her fear. "

Lyall protected their home with protection spells and Hope and him decided to take their son into their bedroom exceptionally. The night passed without any problems and the Lupins were reassured, they thought they were safe. They thought the full moon had passed.

But they were mistaken.

The next night they placed no spell and let their son sleep in his room. Big mistake.Greyback was in the garden of the Lupins' house. Lyall was going to pay for his insult, a night's wait for revenge was too much.

He climbed up the front of the house. He came to a window and broke it with his paw. He leapt inside and bit a small thing that would allow him to exact his revenge. A little boy was petrified, sitting in his bed. Greyback could read the fear in his grayish brown speckled eyes.

Hope and Lyall stormed into Remus' room, alerted by the sound of broken glass, however, it was too late, the fangs of the werewolf were stuck in their son's neck. Lyall armed himself with his wand, and Greyback let go of his grip and left a fang mark in Remus's neck and a scratch mark from the middle of his cheek down to his jaw. Lyall ejected Greyback out of the house, forming a huge hole in the wall of his son's bedroom. Once the threat was averted, he threw himself at Remus, quickly followed by Hope who was just coming out of shock.

Remus fainted from the shock, pain and pressure. His parents took him to Saint Mongoose, knowing that even if he survived, he would never be the same again.

From that day on, the joyful, laughing and loving little Remus gave way to a dark, sad and reserved Remus.

The girl with the strange suitcaseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant