Chapter 6 - The Diner

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Before going to the Funeral Home, Allison insisted that we stopped at the diner to grab a bite to eat.

"I really think your daddy wanted to be cremated." She said after we finished up eating. "Either that or be buried in the backyard, but I think that's illegal. Do you think you could speak to the undertaker when we get there? I jus- it would be too hard for me..." Allison kept mumbling on, making excuses as to why she didn't want to talk to the undertaker. It was starting to get annoying.

"Yeah, I can talk to them." I said, but she didn't stop talking.

"You'd really do that? I used to rely on your daddy to wake big decisions but he was too drunk to be smart about it, so Ryan would. You know, he's been so rude lately. Ever since your daddy and I moved in with hi-" I stopped her by placing my hand on hers.

"Allison, I'll take care of it." She smiled.

"Well, he is your daddy." That bitch. She's leaving me to take care of my father's funeral because she's too lazy to get off her ass and do it.

"That's right. And I'm going to have him cremated and then I'm going home." I said with a bit of anger showing. "Did he have a favorite place?" Allison thought for a second.

"Well, I don't know. I know he used to stop his car on the train tracks right out of town and wait there, almost as if he wanted to speed up the process."

"I guess his body did that for him..." I looked down at my empty plate on the table.

"Yeah. Hey, I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick. You can pay and I'll meet you outside." Allison got up and walked towards the back of the diner. I shook my head in annoyance and stood up. Lying on her seat where she once was sitting, was a small bottle of alcohol. Did she put that in her drink?

I lifted Allison's coffee cup and took a whiff. Yep, she definitely did. 

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