Chapter 2 - Meeting Allison

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"Jane, I'm not going and that's final. You can go if you want to, but I'm not going to introduce my kids to my alcoholic father when he's hanging on by a thread. They already think he's dead." Alex sighed. I had tried to get him to go with me, but he refused.

"Look, I know you and Dad have never gotten along, but he's still our father. I don't care if you go or not but I am." Alex looked at me and sighed.

"You're right. Just be careful." Alex gave me a hug, kissing me on the cheek and walked me to my car. I put my seat belt on and pulled out of his driveway, waving.

My phone was hooked up to the radio, blaring '90s country tunes. I sang along to "Pickup Man" by Joe Diffie while cruising down the highway. It was around noon, so I decided to stop at a Taco Bell drive thru for lunch.


After eating lunch and packing enough clothes for a few days, I walk into the airport to buy a ticket to West Texas.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but the early flight to Monahans is overbooked. There is no room for anymore passengers." I groaned out of frustration.

"Look, could you check one more time? I have to get on this plane. I have a family emergency!" The ticket lady glared at me, annoyed with my presence. She checked the list again and repeated the same sentence I've heard five times already.

"I'm sorry. There is a later flight leaving in two hours that you can catch." I was about to say something when my phone rang. While fishing it out of my purse, I signalled for the lady to wait.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Jane? I'm sorry, but your father's passed." The same southern girlish voice from the voicemail spoke through the phone.

"He's passed what?"

"I'm afraid he's dead honey." Dead? He can't be. "Are you still coming?" I felt the tears begin to fall from my eyes, but I hurriedly wiped them away.

"Yes. Uh, my flight leaves in about two hours."

"Alright sweetheart. I'll pick you up when you land." Allison, is that her name, hung up the phone. I turned to the ticket lady and told her that I'd take the next flight.

[Jane flies to Texas]

One boring flight to Texas later, I strolled through the airport looking for a face to match Allison's voice. Out of nowhere, a middle aged brunette ran up to me, squealing. Her face was cake with make up and she had a huge smile on her face.

"You're Jane right?" I nodded, not saying anything "Oh, you look just like your father!" She gave me a tight hug that squeezed the air out of me. Gasping for breath, I pat her arm.

"You must be Allison." She nodded and motioned for me to follow her out of the airport.

"You know how to drive a truck?" I nodded, confused. "Good, because I may have had a few too many cocktails while waiting on you." she giggled and tossed me the keys. We entered her tan truck and I started it. Suddenly, a small childish figure popped up from the back seat behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

"Grandma, I'm hungry!" The little boy complained. He had shoulder length golden curls framing his face and wore green pajama pants with a dinosaur shirt.

"Jett, sit back and put your seat belt back on. We'll stop and get something up here a ways." Allison rolled her eyes and turned to me.

"You left a little boy in the car alone at an airport while waiting on a complete stranger?" I was furious. How could she just leave a little boy alone in a car. He could've gotten abducted or overheated.

"Well, I couldn't exactly bring him into the bar now could I? Turn right onto the highway up here. I'll tell you when to stop a ways." I shut my mouth in disbelief and followed her directions.

Allison was just talking my ear off the whole ride. She kept talking about my father and how she was actually married to another man but she didn't love him. It was a mess; she was a mess.

"Pull into this gas station right here." She ordered. I parked the truck near a gas dispenser at a Chevron. "Would you mind doing that for me? I'm just going to go run him in to get a quick snack. Shocked at her improperness, I nodded.

While filling up the tank, I called Alex. He didn't answer, probably because he was still at work. It was still 8pm back in California. I decided to leave him a voicemail.

"Hey Alex. I just wanted to let you know that I made it to Texas a while ago. I'm with Allison, the lady that called. She's a mess, and I don't mean because of dad. She's a drunk. Oh! And she left her four year old grandson in the car alone for an hour while she sipped on cocktails at the bar waiting for me. Anyway, I shouldn't be here long. Dad died while I was still trying to get a ticket down here, so the funeral will go by fast. I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later. Love you." I ended the voicemail and payed for the gas. I helped Jett get buckled into the back and then drove off toward Pecos. 

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