Chapter 8 - Damn Townsfolk

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“So what next?” Max asked as we walked out of the funeral home. I shook the sad thoughts from the meeting away and looked at her. 

“I need boxes so I can pack all of his shit up.” Max smirked and jumped in the passenger side of the car. 

“I know just the place.” 

[Jane and Max arrive at a craft store on the town square.]

Max stood in the corner while I grabbed all of the biggest boxes the store had. 

“I hope you’re not taking all of those boxes.” The cashier said. I looked up at him puzzled. He was just staring at Max, terrified. 

“What do you mean? You’re selling them aren’t you?” The man nodded, his eyes never leaving Max. “I’m going to pay for them.” 

“Ugh! This freak is tracking mud into my store!” The cashier groaned. I looked over at Max’s feet and found the floor completely clean. This fucking prick.

“What are you talking about? The floor is completely clean.” 

“Look, I don’t want this bastard in my store. She’s not welcome here.” He threatened. 

“Jane let’s just go.” Max warned.

“No. My father just died and I need to pack his shit up. I’m not leaving without these boxes.” I was determined not to leave empty handed.

“Oh, we all know who your father was.” The cashier laughed. “Just an old drunk. It’s a big surprise that he died without running over any kids when he was intoxicated.” By this point, my blood was boiling. I threw the boxes on the ground as hard as I could and glared at him. My teeth were bared. I probably looked like an angry wolf getting ready to attack its prey. 

“YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU!” Max grabbed my arm and tried to drag me outside. “OH AND LOOK AT THIS!” I stomped my feet on the ground, making mud stains on the carpet. “MY SHOES ARE FUCKING DIRTY TOO!” Max managed to drag me out of the story completely while I flipped the guy off from outside. 

“What a fucking prick. How is he still in business if he treats all of his customers like that? He doesn’t like you, he doesn’t like my dad-” I was interrupted by Max turning around to look at me annoyed. 

“Yeah? Well he probably doesn’t like you too much right now either. I know where we can get USED boxes.” We got in the car and drove away from the store. 

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