Chapter 9 - Junk

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Sure enough, Max had gotten me some used boxes. We were now in Allison’s room, going through my father’s stuff and organizing it. Jett was jumping on the bed and giggling beside me and I couldn’t help but laugh with him. 

“Janie, watch this!” He shrieked, excitedly. I smiled up at him while he jumped off the bed and onto me. Luckily, I caught him and he wrapped his arms around my neck, giggling nonstop. 

“That was cool! You’re lucky I caught you, or else you would’ve gotten a bad boo boo!” He laughed at the end of the sentences and escaped my arms, jumping back onto the bed.

Allison walked in and scolded him.

“Would you quit that jumpin’? You’re giving me a headache!” Jett immediately stopped and sat down. “What are you going to do with all of this?” She motioned to the boxes with her cigarette and took a puff. 

“Well, I’m going to donate everything to Goodwill when I get back home.” I said, folding the last shirt. Now everything was packed up.

“Where is your friend?” Allison asked.

“She went to the bathroom real quick.” Allison nodded and walked out of the room.


We were now in the shop. Max sat with Jett on a stool in the corner of the room. The curly headed little boy was holding a small guitar my father had made while Max tried to teach him a few chords. I, on the other hand, was going through a small aluminum box I had found on the shelf above a big wooden desk. 

“I can’t believe it.” I said, gasping at the sight in front of me. In my hands were a few drawings I had made as a kid. One of them was a drawing of the fiddle my mother had given me for my eighth birthday. “When I was eight, my mother had given me a fiddle for my birthday. She taught me how to play before she passed away. I loved it so much. I used to carry it around with me everywhere.” I smiled at the memory and looked at Max and Jett. 

Then Allison walked in with a cup of alcohol in one hand and a newly lit cigarette in the other. She looks around until she finds Jett holding the guitar.

“Don’t break that! You better hurry up and get ready for soccer. Your daddy is working late, so I have to take you again.” She groaned. Jett got up and ran to the house as fast as he could. I couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or fear. 

“Hey Allison, I can take Jett to soccer.” She looks at me in disbelief.

“Why would you want to do that?” 

“I think it would be fun!” She nodded her head and walked back inside. Wow, don’t even say thanks. 

After Jett got ready for soccer, we got in the car. I dropped Max off along the way.

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