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It was after dinner and the other two couples were inside the house playing with the two little children.

Kurama and Lyra were enjoying the warm breezes of a July night out on a blanket in the backyard grass.

Beautiful stars shone in the sky, bright despite the city lights.

Lyra was half laying on her husband and Kurama’s left arm was wrapped securely around her, his hand rubbing small, gentle circles in her side.

“Who would have thought that you would marry just a few years after your mother married,” Lyra mused, basking in the warmth that positively radiated off of Kurama.

“Mm,” he replied agreement, too content with the close proximity of his wife to form a verbal response.

“I’m so glad she and Kazuya were able to have child together. It’s so wonderful!”

Kurama glanced over at his beloved, silently wondering when she would be ready for children. He was ready–granted that he was technically hundreds of years old–however, Lyra wasn't quite ready yet. She had said, back when they were engaged, that she wanted children soon, but just not quite yet. She was very young after all, not quite nineteen.

He knew it wasn't necessarily her selfishness that kept her from being ready. Lyra held back because she was scared. She was worried that she wouldn't be a good enough mother–that she would make mistakes when raising their child and cause some kind of trauma or personality defect.

What a ridiculous notion! Lyra was going to be a wonderful mother. As Kurama laid there staring intently upon her luminous, happy, light-filled eyes–wide for staring in wonder at the stars–a wave of feeling so intense he almost gasped aloud washed over him and he pulled Lyra close and buried his head in her dark hair.

Lyra gasped and looked at Kurama when he lifted his eyes to her gaze.

She couldn't breathe.

The pure undiluted intensity behind those green–though at the moment they were tinged a brilliant golden–eyes shook her to her very core. Wild, raw emotion flew through her and gripped her heart causing it to stutter and sputter as it rapidly tried to drum its way out of her chest. The feeling of Kurama’s arms crushing her to his side was intoxicating and the feel of his breath so close to her skin was almost unbearable.

She felt so much! So much that it almost physically hurt. Lyra wanted to cry at the depth of emotion welling up inside, but instead she continued to look at her husband, returning the look of burning, tender intensity so that Kurama couldn't help his heart swelling.

Who would have thought? He used to be a ruthless, cold-blooded demon thief! Now he was a husband, hopefully soon a father, a son, a brother, and so madly in love that he couldn't imagine living without the incredible creature nestled tightly in his embrace.

Without warning, Kurama crashed his lips on Lyra’s. And, as lovers often are, the two were lost in each other’s passion.

Kurama could wait for children.

For now, this was all he needed.

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