The Event

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 He didn't know where this went wrong.

His green eyes were cold, unfazed. His posture was unwavering, staring at what he had done.

The darkness of the room was illuminated only by a faint, warm glow from the dim decorative lights outside. They cast dark shadows on his unmoving face.

The entire room was shrouded, drenched with hidden places and stifled by a layer of quiet, suffocating tension.

The only sounds to be heard were the feeble cries coming from the body on the floor.

The female body was shaking on the rough carpet. Intermittent gasps of air drew from her and tremors wracked her frame.

She was naked. Her smooth curves were draped with alternating patterns of dampened light and chasing shadows.

Every few minutes, sobs broke the silence of the room. Tears flowed in quantity and left speckles of liquid agony upon her skin. Pain was evident in the rigor of her body.

After a time, the tears stopped, the sobs quieted, and the spasms of her body became less and less frequent.

The movement stopped and all was quiet.

Kurama was left sitting on the bed, calm and unaffected, his cold, blank eyes beholding the still body of his wife and apathetically surveying the aftermath.  

Beautiful TimesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon