Oo Baby Baby!

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Lyra was antsy.

Kurama had gotten off of work almost forty-five minutes ago (providing that he got off on time) and should be home at any minute.


The young woman leapt up from her spot on the couch and began pacing. Lyra knew she must be a sight. She was still in a pair of baggy sweat pants and a large t-shirt from exercising earlier–a surprisingly successful attempt at distracting herself. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail and her well-endowed breasts were squished down into two sports bras to keep them still for the workout. She hadn’t even bothered with makeup or a shower.

Normally, Lyra–who worked as a private English tutor–had two students who came over on Saturdays, but there was a seasonal flu bug running around and both of her students had cancelled due to sickness.

And so, Lyra had spent the day alone, cleaning, organizing, planning lessons–anything to keep her mind off of just how lonely she was without her wonderful husband to keep her company.

The sound of a car door closing caused Lyra to freeze and the rush in a flurry of motion to the front window.

Curse it all!

It was just the neighbor in the next driveway. With an irritated scowl and narrowed eyes, Lyra watched the man walking up to his front door. He really was a nice man and he had a very friendly family.

But, gosh dang it, he was not the person Lyra wanted to see at the moment!

She had had a lot of time to herself that day, and she had a big surprise for Kurama. She wanted to tell him!

Rationally, Lyra knew that she wouldn’t see their small dark green car. Their driveway was around the left side of the house and a big bush to the left of the main window caused the driveway to be invisible from her angle.

Lyra was not in a rational mood.

With a sigh, Lyra turned away from the window and sat down in the middle of the living room on the floor in a lotus position; back facing the door.

Perhaps now–in the time of her greatest impatience–was the time to take up meditation!

The front doorknob turned and Lyra was off!


Kurama was rather tired.

There had been a huge mix up in the company’s paperwork it hadn’t been discovered until today, three weeks after the time the papers had been filed. He had been the one in charge of fixing the mistake. Why? Because no one else could figure out what the heck had gone wrong.

People had been impatient, people had been snapping, and tempers had flared. On top of it all, efficiency and work in the company had nearly halved for the time being because so many people were reliant on this particular set of very important paperwork.

All in all, it had felt like he was dealing with a group of unruly, whiny, demanding children and he was sick and tired of them.

With a small smile, Kurama thought of his wife waiting at home. Almost every day, she would be home with dinner waiting and looking beautiful (she liked to dress up on occasion as a surprise for Kurama… Granted that she also like to dress down sometimes for the same reason). After the meal, they would figure out something fun to do with each other that evening–anything from quietly reading together, to having s’mores in their hand-built backyard fire-pit, to building a blanket fort in the living room.

Cheered by these thoughts, he turned the doorknob, opened the door, and was attacked.

Not by a malicious demon. Not by a burglar. Not even by a misplaced gesture of friendly rivalry from Yusuke.

Kurama was attacked by a pair of lips.

Said lips were attached to his voluptuous and currently quite arduous wife.

All tiredness was forgotten in the onslaught.

Briefly, Kurama noted how utterly enticing she was even in her old, baggy exercise clothing. With her hair back in a crazy and messy ponytail, a lack of refining makeup, and an excited gleam in her eyes, Lyra looked a little… untamed. She looked like a strong, beautiful woman who would be willing and able to follow Kurama anywhere in the world and remain brave and steadfast.

Then, he was overcome by the magnificent sensation of Lyra nipping at his neck. In reaction, Kurama wrapped his arms around Lyra’s waist and squeezed her tight. Quite against his will, he let out a deep, full-chested moan.

This was such a reversal! Granted that Lyra was never truly submissive. She was content, at times, to be submissive, but there was always a vibrancy behind her actions that belied true and complete submission and told Kurama that anything she did–even when it was what he had asked her to do–was done as Lyra’s choice. Despite this, she was more than happy to surrender control to her husband, particularly in matters of intimacy, when all Kurama wanted to do was ravish her. That was one of the way in which Lyra showed her trust.

But this! This was new! This was strange! This was just as exciting as the thrill Kurama could never suppress from gently dominating his wife. Her assertion sent a foreign, yet delicious and wonderfully titillating thrill coursing and raging through Kurama’s being.

“Nnngh!” he groaned breathlessly as Lyra continued at his neck and her small, soft hand moved downwards to caress the most sensitive and reactive part of his anatomy. “What brought… this on?” He shuddered as Lyra moved up to trace his jawline with her lips.

“I was lonely,” Lyra answered in whispered between kisses, voice low and seductive as she continued to caress and tease her husband.

A spike of masculine pleasure flashed through the fox demon and without warning he attacked Lyra’s neck and homed in on the faint scars that proclaimed their first mating–the marks that forever bound the two together.

Lyra let out a loud cry–a mating mark was one of the single most pleasurable spots on a mated female’s body–and willingly let Kurama take control. Between cries and feminine sounds of pleasure, Lyra spoke. “Kurama… ah… love.” A short groan. “I sort of lied… Nngh… I wasn’t just lonely.” With a great force of will, Lyra took Kurama’s face in her hands and pulled him up to eye level away from the sweet, sweet pleasure he was showering her with. She looked him in his breathtaking golden-green eyes and gave Kurama a look that nearly melted his entire being.

“I had a lot of time to think today.” She bit her bottom lip in a second of hesitation. “Kurama, I’m ready.”

Kurama was floored. Did she mean…

“I want a baby.” Tears of happiness rose to Lyra’s eyes. “I want us to have a child.”

Kurama couldn’t think! He was happy! Ecstatic! Filled with pure, unbridled, unimaginable, unbearable joy and love! And so he kissed Lyra with so much passion that the joyful tears in Lyra’s eyes couldn’t seem to stop.

Lyra returned the passionate, tender kiss and soon felt her clothes being tugged at. Taking Kurama’s lead, she began to undress her husband, all the while pulling him closer and closer to herself.

And there, in the living room on their secondhand couch, Kurama took his wife.

Later, they would move to the bedroom and thoroughly love each other until their neighbor interrupted them for a cup of sugar--to which they awkwardly scurried for clothing and gave him a whole bag.

Then they continued some more.

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