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Half an hour later, Kurama and Lyra wandered into the house. Kanako and Shiori took one look at the pair and burst out laughing.

The hair of both Lyra and Kurama was disheveled and it looked like they had just rolled out of bed–or a particularly intense make-out session. Kurama’s deep green button up shirt was hastily re-buttoned. In fact, the buttons were one askew. Beneath her long hair, there were glimpses of fresh love bites showing on Lyra’s neck. Kurama was immediately grateful his shirt had a higher collar. Both had slightly swollen lips and, if one looked closely, there were very, very faint grass stains on the back of Lyra’s dress.

Lyra’s cheeks colored at the laughter, but she felt Kurama firmly take her hand. A feeling of warm confidence surged through her and she strode forward in to the room with head held high by Kurama’s side.

Yuuta, seeing his aunt and uncle ran forward and hugged Lyra’s legs.

“Hi, Yuuta. Want up?” Lyra asked, smiling widely and holding her hands out to the little boy.

Yuuta held up his hands, signaling that he did indeed want up.

Picking up the two-year-old, Lyra brought him up to sit on her hip.

“Hey, cutie,” Lyra said while rocking Yuuta back and forth.
Yuuta pointed his tubby little fingers to Lyra’s neck.


Lyra’s cheeks suddenly rivaled Kurama’s hair. 

"Auntie, you dot bwuise?" The toddler asked in a genuine voice. Obviously, he was concerned that his very own Auntie Lyra had gotten hurt.

Now everyone was laughing.

“Time to go see Uncle Shuichi!” Lyra declared brightly.

"Yay! Uncle Shu!" Yuuta exclaimed.

Kurama warmly accepted the young boy. Yuuta smiled and began to play with the novelty of Kurama’s vibrant red hair. The small boy quirked his head at something that caught his eye. Curiously, he leaned forward and pulled down the collar of Kurama’s shirt about an inch or so.


For some reason, the fact that she had given Kurama a hickey was about ten times more embarrassing to Lyra than being caught red-handed (or red-necked as it were) with Kurama’s mark upon her.

Lyra’s family by marriage simply laughed harder.

If possible, Lyra’s face flared brighter as she turned to her mother-in-law.

“I’ll take the one that doesn’t talk, thanks,” she said, still infinitely red in the face. “It’s about time for bed anyways, right?”

Shiori nodded, smiling, and handed Daisuke to Lyra.

Lyra tenderly took the ten month old boy who was already swaddled tighly in an orange blanket. She walked him to the couch in the living room and sat down with Daisuke. For several moments, Lyra watched Kurama playing with Yuuta and teaching the toddler a simple hand game.

Her husband was so handsome. And not just physically–although, given the chance, Lyra could and would do nothing more than stare at Kurama for hours on end. He certainly left nothing lacking physically. It seemed to Lyra that every single aspect of him was attractive; even the annoying bits. Even when he, albeit rarely, got annoyed with her he was attractive. Even when he would try to protect her by hiding his own pain, his protective manner was attractive (even if it drove Lyra up the wall). Even when he got overprotective and–as will happen when you’re at least partly demonic in nature–territorial. Those small things were a part of a much more important and downright sexy overall personality. A downright sexy man.

Suddenly, Daisuke decided that Lyra wasn’t paying nearly enough attention to him and interrupted Lyra’s musing by squirming and beginning to pout. With a gentle smile, Lyra rose from the couch and began walking around, rocking softly in a soothing manner. Almost immediately, the baby boy began to nod off and within minutes he was fast asleep.

Kurama, still playing with Yuuta, glanced up at Lyra. He watched the tender expression on her beautiful features, the gentle, yet firm grip on the infant in her arms. He watched the almost unbearably enticing sway of her lovely hips.

The hint of a knowing smirk crept its way onto Kurama’s face.

She was going to make a wonderful mother.

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