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⚠️ contains graphic language⚠️

A little before 9 I get ready jump in my car and start driving to Angelina's arcade. I play some music for my playlist while singing along dancing a bit. Just to realize , I'm stuck in some good, old-fashioned LA fucking traffic. Damn it... I groan in aggravation and lean back in my seat. I'm really annoyed, partly because of the obvious, traffic fucking sucks, but also because I'm overly weirdly excited to see Angelina again. I say weirdly because I don't usually get this hyped about seeing some girl I met less than a week ago. We just had this instant connection, one of those rare friendships that clicked into place immediately. The way they do when you're way younger. The car next to me honks and I look over to see some girl around my age waving at me anxiously from the passenger seat. She motions for me to the roll the window down and I chuckle, while rolling down my window. "Whattup?" I call out and she lets out a familiar little squeal. I hear that noise a fair amount from fans. "I love you!" she says excitedly and I laugh, seeing her face blush turning red. "Sorry, I'm a huge fan." She screams out "I love you too, don't worry about it, dude. What's your name?" "Tessa." "Cute name," I wink playfully and she blushes even brighter, making me smirk. I have to say, the effect I have on girls always amuses me. I get a lot of "I'm straight, but Billie Eilish could get it" comments too, which I always appreciate. And then, of course, there's my female fans who aren't straight, and they don't hide their feelings at all, which I don't mind. I love my gaybies. I like having an effect on people, whether it be from lust or intimidation. I like being wanted and I like being feared, what can I say? It's fun, whether they're fans, friends, strangers or whatever the fuck in between. Some people are more fun than others; Angelina, for example. It's fun making her squirm, because I know it's because I'm me, not because I'm a celebrity and my status is what's getting to her. I really enjoy meeting fans, and while that interaction made my day, it also made me think about if someone recognizes me when I'm out with Angelina, she will figure out who I am all though it's gonna happen eventually, imma try to prolong it as long as I can

While traffic isn't moving a bit, I search around my car to see if I can find anything to kind of disguise my self with I know that's lame as hell but I have to find something, I spot my bothers hat on the floor and but that one along with his black hoodie in the passenger seat and remember to change into that because this would draw less attention to the big ass green Gucci shirt I have on.

Eventually the traffic starts moving and I sigh in relief, turning the music back up and continue driving.I find parking near the arcade around 9:20 then reach into the back to grab the hoodie, changing out of my current green shirt and into the black hoodie as soon as possible. Once it's on I put my cap back on then pull the hood up, adjusting my hair so it's mostly hidden. I don't hide it completely, because that would probably look weird to Angelina, but enough that my green and black hair draw as few eyes as possible.I know I probably seem stupid for thinking I'll get recognized, but it happens all the fucking time. I'd rather play it safe then risk it and expose my secret to Angelina  this soon. I guess I'm just worried she might treat me differently, even though she doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would. I just can't get over that fear quite yet. I sigh softly and check the mirror one more time, then grab my wallet and get out of my car, walking towards the arcade. I walk in and look around for a bit before my eyes land on the person I'm looking for, looking bored as shit with her chin resting on her hand while she leans against the counter in front of her.I see her look at the clock and I smirk slightly. I make my over to her and notice the way she perks up when she finally notices me, a smile spreading across her face."You made it," she says happily and I nod, leaning against the counter between us.

Happy I got ready early, traffic was fucking exhausting," I said "How's your shift going?" I said again "There was this part for a 14 year old earlier , and I was ready to start throwing hands by the end of it. Man, teens are the fucking worst," she says with a whine and rolls her eyes, making me laugh."Seems pretty slow now at least," I acknowledge and look around the arcade once again, pleased to see that none of the people here seem to be at an age where they'd be a fan of mine. Even if some of them do know me, they all seem really engrossed in their activates, anyway."Thank god," she says and pushes herself off the counter before adjusting her red uniform cap. I'll be honest, the uniform she's made to wear is pretty ugly, but she still looks fucking good. "Do you want some tokens, or are you just here to distract me and get me fired?" she teases and I push off the counter too."I'm actually here to demolish you in laser tag, dude," I retort and she rolls her brown eyes playfully as I reach into my pocket to get some bills for tokens. "Also, I'm gonna win that big ass monkey," I say confidentially, my eyes fixed on an oversized, plush monkey wearing a hat with a sun on it , hanging above her head along with some other prizes.She looks at it and laughs then looks back at me, "Good luck with that. It's been ages since the last time someone managed to win it, apparently," she says and takes the cash I hand to her, looking a little surprised at how much I gave her....

Happy 4/20😎😎 took me an hour to write this it was a fucking pain hope you enjoyed what do you thinks gonna happen next😌

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