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⚠️ contains mild graphic language ⚠️

It's been one week since I found out Billie was famous, and almost nothing has changed. Sure, I think it's really cool that Billie has an international following and is living her dream, but it also doesn't change anything about our friendship, and definitely doesn't make a difference to how I view her as a person. She's still the same person I've been hanging out with. She was fine before I knew and she's fine now, simple as that. The one thing that has is different is we can hang out where ever we want now without her having to be worried about fans. I never really noticed, but we mostly only ever hang out in someone's house or at my work. I now know that it's because Billie was worried about getting recognized while we were hanging out, but now that I know, she doesn't care. A few things started making more sense once she told me the truth, she'd turn down invitations to parties on my campus. She'd pick me up and drop me off, but never wanted to hang out or even come inside. We managed to meet up for coffee one day despite my crazy week, and it turns out Billie's concern had been valid - she was recognized twice that day. I thought it was adorable the way she interacted with her fans, she clearly genuinely loves and appreciates them. The fans she ran into were super sweet, and we ended up chatting to both of them for a few minutes each. We're hanging out again tonight, and she's coming to my dorm for the first time. I invited her to a party on campus, which took a little bit of convincing to get her to agree to come to. I said we could pregame in my dorm and get there late, so by the time we showed up everyone who could possibly recognize her would be too smashed to even blink twice in her direction. I invited Landon while Jess invited her friend, so there will be a decent sized group of us hanging out in my dorm tonight. Billie was nervous about my roommate being around while she's pregaming but I assured her that she's chill and made sure to give her a long lecture on respecting the fact that Billie is a person, and using her for views and fame on her insta story or whatever would be lame. I check the time then save the project I'm working on before shutting my laptop and getting up to look through my closet for something to wear. I picked out some ripped up, light-wash denim shorts and an oversized black T-Shirt that mostly covers them, kind of making it look like I'm not wearing pants from some angles. I figure it's as comfortable and low effort as I can get while still looking pretty cute, if I may say so myself. I take my makeup bag to the bathroom and apply a little bit in the mirror, deciding to brush my hair into a curly bun. When I get back to my dorm I see a text from Billie, letting me know that she's on her way with Landon. I smile in excitement and look around my room again, making sure it's neat enough for guests. I touch a few things up until I'm as satisfied as I can get them sit down on my bed, leaning back against the wall and scrolling through my phone until Landon and Billie text to say they've arrived. The security doesn't let just anyone into the dorms, so I have to go downstairs to let them in with my student ID card. When Billie comes into view I smile to myself, taking a second to check her out while she's distracted, talking to Landon. She's wearing her typical baggy outfit, this one all black, and as usual she looks fine as hell. The outfit, while different from what most people will be wearing, looks a little more toned down than the kind of outfits she posts on instagram, probably to make her chances of being noticed lessen. When she notices me her lips curl into a wide smile, making me smile too. God, it's so infectious. I open the door for them and hug Landon quickly then I hug Billie, holding on tighter and longer. She hugs me back just as tight until Landon coughs. "I get it, I'm the third wheel. No need to rub it in my face," he jokes and Billie pulls away from me, her cheeks tinged pink. "Fuck off," she mumbles and walks past me into the dorm building, Landon following with a laugh.

Sorry this is so short I just wanted to get something posted☺️

𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑡❦ ☾𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝐸.☽💕Not continuingWhere stories live. Discover now