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⚠️contains graphic language⚠️

"I don't think you can get through these before my shift ends, Bil," she says and I shrug. "Then I'll visit you again sometime." She smiles at that then puts the money into the register before using her employee card to get the right number of tokens for me. Once she's collected all of them, which is way more than I had in mind, I fill my pockets with them while she watches, amused. "You're lucky you have those deep ass pockets." I nod in agreement and make sure I didn't drop any before looking at her with a smirk. "Alright, I'll quit distracting you for now. If you get bored, come pretend to clean the skee ball machine next to me while I make fucking bank in tickets." She laughs again, I love making her do that. She gets these cute little crinkles by her eyes, and her perfect nose scrunches up in the most adorable way. Ew, why am I thinking about that sappy shit? I shake off my thoughts and walk in the direction of the skee ball machines, lighting up with excitement when I approach them. I've always been a sucker for arcades. My brother, Finneas, would take me to them a lot when we were first started writing together. Every time I'd get writers block, he'd take me to an arcade to clear my head and do something else for a bit before I let myself get too frustrated and discouraged. I start getting totally absorbed in the game, going through tokens and racking up tickets quickly. I don't notice Angelina until she leans against the side of the machine I'm using, an amused expression on her face. "Bored already?" I ask and she gives me a confused look. "Dude, my shift is over," she says and chuckles when she sees the shocked look on my face. "Time flew by, huh? Come on, let's settle this laser tag debate once and for all" I smirk confidently. "Just give me a second, I need to finish this game." She steps away from the machine and watches me as I use the last three balls, getting all of them into the 100-point hole. She raises her eyebrows, clearly impressed, which makes me weirdly satisfied. "Decent. Your form could use work though," she teases and I roll my eyes. My form is fucking perfect and she knows it. "Let's just put this challenge to rest, hotshot," I say and walk over to the machine to take my tickets before grabbing her hand and walking with her towards the laser tag room. She has really soft hands.

When we reach the laser tag ticket counter, Angelina just smiles at her coworker and walks straight through the door without bothering to pay for a ticket for either of us. Her coworker smiles back and I notice him check her out when she walks past him before going back to scrolling through his phone with a blank expression. I don't know why, but the way he checked her out pissed me off a bit. I try to ignore it. "So, we have the room to ourselves for this round. Jason didn't sell any tickets for this time slot," she informs me. Jason must be the dick head at the counter who doesn't fucking know where to keep his eyes. "Good shit," I say and drop her hand so I can pick up one of the vests and laser guns. "Can I be red?" I ask hopefully and nods. "I wanted to be blue anyway." We both gear up and she runs me through how everything works here. She starts to go over the rules but then stops and starts giggling, which earns a questioning look from me. "We don't have to follow the rules, there's no one else here," she points out and I smirk. "It's so on." She tells me that she has to start up the vests, guns, and arena and that I can go find a starting spot, that's exactly what I do. I decide to mess with her a little and decide to hide, waiting for her to come to me so I can surprise the shit out of her. I walk through the dark room until I find a well-hidden spot behind some metal prop barrels then crouch down and wait. A few seconds later my gun and vest light up, while the room fills with adrenaline pumping music, and the basic fluorescent lights are turned off and replaced by the game time lighting scheme. That means she's on her way to play. After a little while she realizes what I'm doing and her voice rings out, "Are you fucking hiding? Grow a pair of balls and come at me like an adult!" she calls out and I hold back a laugh, not wanting to compromise my position just yet. She groans at the lack of response and I smile in amusement. It isn't much longer before I can see her between the cracks of the barrels I'm peeking through. Just a little closer... She walks a few feet in my direction slowly and I jump up, hitting her right on the censor in the middle of her chest. Her vest flashes to confirm she was hit and I jump around in victory. "Suck it!" I shout then run off before she can even react, let alone before her gun comes back to life and allows her to fire back. "You asshole!" she calls after me and I laugh like a maniac, running into another part of the large arena. I can hear her following me so I turn and shoot randomly. I stop running when my vest flashes and my gun vibrates as it powers down, meaning I've been hit. "Payback, biotch," she mocks smugly and shoots me a confident wink, which is met by one of my signature glares, before running off quickly. I shake my head to myself and can't help but smile. I decide to wait until my gear turns back on before following her in no particular hurry. After walking around for a little while I get the sense that she's either hiding like I was or stalking me, and it makes me uneasy. I keep my eyes peeled and my finger on the trigger. This is some real shit... When I hear a noise behind me I jump slightly and spin around, crashing straight into Callie who had been walking backwards from a different direction, clearly not seeing me. We both let out noises of alarm and fall, me on top. She manages to react faster and shoots upwards, successfully shutting my gear down. "Got you," she mumbles and I look down at her with a glare, which softens when I realize how close we are. Even though it's dark, and the lighting is weird, I can see all of her features clearly. The night we met she told me she didn't like her eyes because she thought they were so boring, especially compared to eyes like mine. I told her I liked them then and we moved on, but now I can see just how fucking wrong she was. They're beautiful, so warm and kind and ridiculously captivating. I scan her other features – the light spray of freckles across her nose I hadn't noticed before, her cute nose , and a pair of full lips, which look super soft. It crosses my mind for a second that it's weird to think about another girl's lips like this, but I'll write it off as just wanting to know more about her lip care routine. Just girly things. All of these thoughts cross my mind in a couple seconds, but it's still long enough for her to raise her eyebrows. "Are you gonna get off me? Or do you need to hold me hostage in order to have any chance of winning?" she asks and I immediately pull myself out of my thoughts, trying not to act as embarrassed as I feel. "Sorry," I say simply and get up, offering her my hand to help her do the same. She takes my hand and I smirk, lifting my gun with the other hand to shoot her once in the chest before actually pulling her up. She looks at me, unamused. "That was a cheap shot and you know it." "I'm okay with it."

𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑡❦ ☾𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝐸.☽💕Not continuingWhere stories live. Discover now