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⚠️contains mild graphic language⚠️

Noo this can't be I've never had a crush on a girl in my entire life this doesn't even make sense....I'm so confused right now.....maybe I'm not ..maybe.. but that's not even possible I'm one hundred percent straight...but it's just every time I see her my heart beats faster and I get butterflies in my stomach and my head spins from thinking Of her... do I really like her... maybe if I kiss a girl I'll find out how I feel..but I've never felt this way towards a girl before so that wouldn't be much help... I'm just going to stop thinking about it. My head hurts... "Fuuckk" I whispered in frustration a little thinking she didn't hear me "what's wrong bil.." "it's just... I can't... I don't know.. ugh i'm going to just go home..." I say wishing I could tell her what's going through my head... but I'm not sure, i don't even know how I feel yet.. "uhh ok..stay safe bil.." she said sounding sad.. I walked out

It's Friday now, and I'm sitting in a Uber on the way to Landons apartment for the kickback Billie invited me to. Usually for something like this I'd have Jess with me, but she's out with some guy from the last party we want to together, for what feels like the hundredth time this week.  I'm running a little late, having gotten lost in the book I was reading until Billie FaceTimed to ask me where the hell I am. I lied and said  my roommate suddenly needed help with something, knowing she'd call me a nerd if I told her real reason, then got ready as quickly as possible.  Now I'm here, nervous for tonight because Billie made me promise to get drunk with her, and I tend to not have a filter when I'm drunk. What if I tell her about my little crush and she doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if she thinks I'm creepy and kicks me out of the party? It's happened before. Junior year when I got drunk I told a girl that I wouldn't mind kissing her and she called me a creep before banning me from all of her parties. Although, that was on her being an asshole, and Billie isn't like that. I still worry about that kinda of thing...getting publicly shamed for your sexuality in a room full of your your peers does shit to you, even though most people took my side in the end.  The car pulls up in front of a very normal looking apartment complex in a very average looking neighborhood, a complete different setting from the last hangout I went to. I thank the driver then get out and head inside, checking my texts with Billie and Landon to find the floor and apartment number.  "7A," I mumble to myself as I walk into the lobby, only to find the elevator with an 'Out of Order' sign taped to the doors. "Perfect," I groan and look around for the stairs.  After four flights of stairs, I find myself in front of Liam's door, mildly out of breath. I can hear music and voices inside, but it doesn't sound like that many people. I take a minute to catch my breath from all the stair climbing before knocking on the door, loud enough so it can be heard over the music.  "I'll get it!" I hear Billie shout excitedly, followed by quick footsteps and the door swinging open.  She has that usual cool, uninterested look on her face, even though I could hear how excited she was before opening the door. I could tease her about it, but I decide to let it slide and just internally gloat. She's eager to see me.  "Hey, Bill," I say and walk in when she steps aside to let me in. She's wearing her usual overly baggy outfit, which I feel like she pulls off like nobody else could dream of. If I'm being honest though, Billie could wear anything and my gay ass brain would still think she looks amazing.  "You're so late, bro. I'm already fucking crossed," she says as she shuts the door and I laugh.  "Sorry. Give me some shots and I'll work on catching up."  She grins at that and takes a hold of my arm, leading me to where the drinks are I assume.  "Hey, Callie!" Landon calls out and I look over to see him waving at me from the couch as we pass by the living room. I smile and wave back, genuinely happy to see him again. He's sitting with a group of about six other people who I don't recognize, I don't think they were at The last party I went to .  Billie drops my arm when we get into the small kitchen and grabs a bottle of vodka, pouring me a shot and spilling a fair amount onto the counter.  "Fuck," she mumbles and stares at the spill for a few seconds blankly before shrugging it off and passing me the glass. "I'll join you for this one, but after this you're on your own because I already had a shit ton." I watch her pour herself a shot, spilling a bit again. Maybe I should handle the bottle?  She turns to face me completely and we clink our glasses before downing them. I pull a slight face at the burn but it goes down pretty easily. She sets her glass down then grabs the bottle again, gesturing for me to hold mine out so she can pour me another.  Some of it spills onto my hand and I give her a playful glare in response.  "Leave me alone, I'm drunk," she says defensively and I laugh before knocking back the second shot. "You look hot by the way. No need to dress up for me though, babe."  I chuckle and set my glass down, not giving her the satisfaction of seeing me blush for the millionth time. "I know I do," I say simply and she raises an eyebrow slightly, clearly expecting my usual, flustered reaction to her playful flirting.  "Aye, you're not fucking done yet. One more shot then come smoke a bowl with me," she says and I hesitate for a second before picking up the glass again, watching as she pours another one. She actually manages to not spill any this time, and I can see the proud look on her face. Cute.  I knock it back easily then grab Billie's hand and walk us into the living room. Everyone looks up and I smile friendlily. "Hey everyone, I'm Angelina."  They all smile back and chime in with their names that I definitely won't be able to remember while I plop down on the small couch that's still open... "Angelina!?" I hear a familiar voice say before turning around "hey Lexi!" I say standing up and hugging her "I haven't seen you in forever!?" She says "I know I've been really busy lately I'm sorry" "it's fine let's catch up!" She says.. I know billie would be hella confused on why I'm friends with her but i don't care she's a really cool person and she's really pretty I don't know why I fought her in the first place.. after a while of catching up I find out that Lexi is actually bisexual..good to hear

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