Chapter 1

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3 years ago. It was exactly 3 years ago when your life changed forever, the date being March 13th if we're specific.

No one saw it coming. No one even began to think about it happening, it just kinda did. The way the world slowly evolved to inevitable chaos was terrifying and will haunt you for the rest of your life. The shrill screams that escaped your brother's mouth that day being the main reason for your PTSD.

Never in your life did you ever expect for something this terrifying, this lethal. It was mindblowing. Back in the day, before all hell broke loose, it would be deemed insane to even mention the idea of it.

But it happened, and no one saw it coming. Not even the"all knowing" government. To be honest, even if we did have any sort of clue as to what was going to deflate the world, we would have never expected it to be this bad.

One month. It took exactly one month before half of the population was wiped out. One singular month. But you, you somehow managed to survive every massacre that broke out at least 3 times a week.

To think a simple 15 year old even managing to make it out just barely alive after even just one of these is blasphemous. Completely and absolutely mindboggling.

But you did it. You sure as hell made it out of every single one alive. And to add onto that fact, you weren't ever injured. Not a scratch on your body.

How you manage to do it? Simple. You didn't get involved. You completely avoided it entirely.

You weren't the brightest of teenagers, but you definitely weren't stupid. It completely confused you as to why your friends and the people you knew wanted to fight in them so bad. It confused you to the point where you stayed up countless nights thinking about just what exactly went through their minds when they made their decisions.

But you weren't one to judge. People thought you were the crazy one when you told them you didn't want to get involved. Some supported your smart decision, while others ridiculed you and claimed you were a coward.

In fact, you were quite the opposite. You weren't afraid to fight, you were just smart enough not to do it. You've seen what goes down at these said massacres first hand, and that was something you never wanted to witness ever again.

Your family, on the other hand, found joy in talking part of these bloody parties. The eerie grins that would make their way onto your parent's faces when they heard the first gunshots will be burned to the back of your mind for all eternity. Your siblings, some way too young to even begin to comprehend what was actually going on, followed in your parents demands. All except one.

Kim Taehyung.

He was the only one in your family who agreed with you. And seeing that he was 4 years older than you, he definitely knew a lot more of what and what not to do than you ever could. Sadly, your parents, who were in their late 40's, didn't quite get the memo and clearly didn't have the brains to.

Kim Taehyung was the last person who would ever even let the thought of fighting enter his mind. He had a will power stronger than any you've ever seen. You looked up to him, his incredible sense of compassion and wisdom was one that you respected with every part of your very being.

Kim Taehyung was the last person in the world who would fight, but he was the first to be killed in your family.

And you were there to witness every single detail of it.

March 13th three years ago marked the downfall of your life, but it also marked the day your precious brother was murdered in front of your very eyes.

Hello! I would like to introduce my new book "The Last". I was originally planning to write "Pretty Little Liar" first, but that book needs more planning than I realized.

In this book it will get a bit creepy and if you're not comfortable with that, I will put a warning for you. But that's only if you guys comment that you're going to need a warning. If no one says so, I'll just continue on with the book.

Thank you so much for reading this book and make sure to check out my other ones!

Thank you and stay safe!💜

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