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Walter woke up to the bright sunny light in his face.

He felt amazing, even though he's hurting quite a bit, but he still felt amazing, he felt like a whole new man.

He turns to his left to see that lance is gone, which disappointed him a little.

While Walter was wondering where lance left to, he turns to get up but finds a note on his nightstand.

He picks it up and begins to read

Good morning Walter, I hope your okay, I just wanted to say that last night was amazing, and it won't be the last time either so be prepared, oh and your taking the day off, I told joy you were sick.

I also left some breakfast in the kitchen, just in case.

See you later tonight,

                           Sincerely lance S

Walter blushes at the part where that wrote it won't be the last time.

He couldn't stop staring at it, he smiles gently.

As he gets up to put clothes on, pain erupts on his bottom half making it unbearable.

He winces at the pain and stays still until it went away.

After he got dressed, he went downstairs to see chocolate stuffed pancakes with strawberries.

It looked very fancy for Walter.

He ate it all, and started to work on the gadget to make everyone stop automatically, when your surrounded he meant.

Even though lance told Joy he was sick, he is still going to work.

He grabs his lab coat and heads to work.

Later At the agency

On his way to work he couldn't stop thinking about how amazing last night was.

He makes it to the agency, and he finds joy.

"Hey Joy!" Walter shouts.

Joy turns around to have a shocked look on her face.

"Walter? What are you doing here? lance said you were sick." She asks.

"Well I'm feeling better enough to start working." Once he stops his sentence he winces as he moves a certain way to trigger a lot of pain on where lance had him the most.

"Are you okay?" Joy asks, in worry.

"I'm fine, joy, I'm perfectly fine, I just want to get back to work, if that's alright?" He smiles at her.

Joy just nods as they were about to go their separate ways they heard a deep voice.

"Walter? What are you doing here?! your sick!" Lance practically scolds Walter in front of joy.

"Lance, I'm feeling better enough to work, I'm fine." Walter fights back but in a calm tone.

"Walter, you were supposed to stay home." Lance says through his teeth, getting angry as he tightens his fist, veins clearly showing.

"Lance! I'm a grown man! I'm going to work if you like it or not." Walter's comeback seemed to push lance over the line.

Lance goes down and grabs Walter, putting him over lances shoulders walking him out of the agency.

"LANCE!! PUT ME DOWN!!" Walter yells clearly getting everyone's attention.

"LANCE!" Joy yells causing lance to stop in his tracks to turn to face her.

Our love (lance x Walter) 18+Where stories live. Discover now