Oh God Here We Go... (Why is this man so tired again?)

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3rd Person POV

"Yea pretty sure," Laxus said. Freed smiled at Laxus. Laxus and Freed has class the next day, most of their classes together. They were pretty exited to be spending so much time together, not so exited for the classes.

Laxus remembered how the two had intertwined fingers when they held hands reaching for their popcorn. He blushed at the thought.

"What is it?" Freed asked, referring to his blush. "O-oh it's nothing," Laxus said. Freed then remembered it to. He had the same reaction. "Oh.." Freed said. "Sorry Laxus," Freed added. "What are you sorry for?" Laxus asked. "Sorry for, y-you know, holding your hand that one time," Freed frowned. "Oh Freed, there's no need to be sorry about it," Laxus chuckled.

Freed blushed again and looked up at Laxus. "You know, I didn't really mind it at all," Laxus gently smirked. Freed moved closer to Laxus. Laxus blushed. "Wow we've only known each other for two days and it feels like I've known you for years," Laxus said. Freed blushed. "Is that because you don't have friends?" Freed said, smirking. Laxus glared at him, Freed breaking into laughter.

Freed yawned. "I'm kinda tired," he said, looking at the clock in the room. Laxus looked at it to. "Yea but I don't wanna go to sleep, tomorrow's not gonna be fun" Laxus said with a slight groan. "Well I still like sleeping so I'm gonna go to bed," Freed said. "Alright I guess I'll come to," Laxus replied. Secretly Laxus just wanted an excuse to cuddle with Freed.

Was it ridiculous to fall in love with a man you've only known for a few days? Of course it was, but truly, Laxus' whole life has been filled with hatred and then Freed comes along filled with love. How can Laxus resist?

Laxus tried to make it subtle. It usually doesn't work very well for him, but still. Natsu was still gone, that wasn't surprising. They weren't gonna worry about it.

Freed jumped into bed, face plummeting into the pillow. Laxus slowly got in after him, grunting. He was kinda tired, actually. "God I love pillows. Pillows aren't appreciated enough," Freed giggled. He also wanted to cuddle with Laxus. It was completely ridiculous that he wanted to do that, but hey it happens. He likes Laxus, it's a massive crush, he thinks he's stupid hot, and he wants to get really close to him.

"Nerd," Laxus said bluntly. "Shut up," Freed said sarcastically. Laxus started feeling nervous, for some reason. Was it because he was in bed with Freed? Maybe. He brushed it off.

Freed rolled over on his back. Laxus got pretty close to Freed (physically), it wasn't making Freed nervous, just curious. Freed smiled at Laxus. "What's that smile about?" Laxus smirked. "What am I not aloud to smile at you?" Freed asked. "Well yea you are I just-" Laxus started, but then cut himself off. "Just what?" Freed questioned. "-I got nothing," Laxus chuckled.

Laxus wrapped his arms around Freed. Freed blushed and looked at Laxus with a smile. Laxus has his eyes closed, fortunate for Freed. He chuckled a bit and closed his eyes. It took a while for Freed to fall asleep, he was hot, probably because Laxus was holding him so tightly, but he didn't dare try to get out of the taller mans grasp. He was fine with it.

They fell asleep together, Freed letting out small snores, Laxus snoring quite loudly.

The next morning

It was 7:00 precisely. Freed woke up first, he likes to be on time. Laxus didn't really care. Laxus' arms were still cuddled around Freed. Freed didn't want to move from this position, but he knew he had to.

He got up and put on some casual clothes. Nothing fancy at all. He looked over to Natsu's bed, of course he was there. 'Thank god we didn't have to deal with losing him and putting up with Mrs. Sendai,' Freed thought.

He went and brushed his teeth, and realized he hadn't showered in a while. He went into the shower, really hoping that Laxus or Natsu wouldn't wake up and get mad at him. Especially Laxus. Well, Laxus was a heavy sleeper, so Freed thought it was gonna be okay.

After Freed got done taking a shower, he dried off and got dressed again. He got out of the bathroom, and Natsu was awake, scrolling through Twitter or something, Freed assumed. Laxus was still asleep. He had to wake up soon though, otherwise he was gonna be late. "Yo," Natsu waved, looking up at Freed. Freed waved back in response.

Freed then went to the blonde man and shook him gently. He groaned but didn't wake up. "Laxus you have to wake up," Freed groaned. Laxus then slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Freed. "And you need to get dressed," Freed said, looking over at Natsu. "Fine," Natsu replied.

Laxus also got up, he put on his normal daily attire. Lavender short sleeved shirt, gray coat with furry bits, and black leather pants. His style was charming to Freed. Natsu always had his scarf on, but he didn't wear the same thing every day. He wore whatever he could find, which was fine, Freed guessed.

Laxus flopped back onto the bed after he got dressed. "I don't wanna go," he groaned, looking completely exhausted. "You have to," Freed said gently. Laxus closed his eyes again, honestly just wanting to go back to sleep. "We'll see each other in a bunch of classes, it'll be fine, plus I suppose you can sleep at lunch," Freed remarked. "Sure," Laxus groaned quietly. Man, this guy sure was tired.

Natsu really didn't say much, fine we didn't like him all to well either. He probably has other friends anyways, why else would he be so disappointed and angry with his roommates?

Laxus slowly got up once again, looking at his schedule. "I have a feeling this is gonna be a long fuckin day," Laxus sighed. "Maybe it won't be so bad, I mean nothing much happens on the first day anyways," Freed replied.

"Hey pinky what's your schedule? I wanna know if I'm gonna be more miserable," Laxus said. Natsu walked over and grabbed Laxus' schedule. He quickly glanced over it, and then made his conclusion. "One class, thats all, thank god," Natsu said. These guys really hated each other from the start. I get it though, bad vibes are bad vibes. Laxus sighed in relief.

Freed looked at the time on his phone. "We should leave now," he said. Laxus groaned once more and replied, "I guess."

Natsu was quick to leave the dorm, followed by me and then Laxus. Laxus had his eyes squinting for almost the whole time from being so tired. "Hey man, you alright?" Freed asked. "Yea just tired as fuck," Laxus replied. "Why? Did you get enough sleep? It looked like you were sound asleep when I woke up," Freed asked. "Yea, but I used to have insomnia and I get really tired for no reason now," Laxus answered. "Ohh," Freed said. "Yea, it sucks dick," Laxus chuckled. Freed blushed a light shade of pink and blushed as well.

It's your lovely (not lovely) author again. I AM SO FUCKIN SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE 107207 YEARS, I JUST GET WRITERS BLOCK A LOT

Anyways I love these two, hopefully I can update soon on my other fanfic to. I really wanna. Anyways this one was slightly longer, I'm gonna try to make every chapter around 1,000 words long. God I love writing but it's complicated.

Anyways BYE BABES~~!! (Yes that is officially my new saying you can't change it)

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