Chapter 10

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After fortune cookies, you don't waste time continuing to eat.
You usually eat your fortune cookie at the midpoint of the meal and not at the end, but this was a nice change of pace.

As for the fortune itself, it's just another one telling you what you already know.
Your actual food was quite enjoyable like always.
The orange chicken seemed spicier today though.
Also the rice seemed fluffier than usual.

After finishing your food, you get up to gather the trash.
Then temporarily leave sansy in order to throw it away in a nearby trash bin.
Upon your return, you start gearing up to bicycle again.
Which doesn't go unnoticed by Sansy.

He soon climbs back into the bag, with a rather discomforted expression.
You can't help but wonder what could be causing it, maybe you should ask?
Then again, he didn't say anything about it, and who's to say it's any of your business? Hmmm..

Welp, what's the harm in just asking right?
He can always just refrain from telling you if it's his own personal junk.
So why not!?

"Hey ok?"

Sansy's head pokes out the bag at the sound of your voice.
It takes him a moment to respond.

"Um..yeah..I'm fine."

His face betrays his words.
Clearly he's bulsheiting you.
But it's his bulsheit, so you won't push.


You lift the strap of your bag over your head, letting it rest in between your neck and shoulder, as sansy retreats back inside.

You start riding over to the grocery store.
After some time you reach a consistent pace.
The steady sound of your peddling starts to lull you into an interstellar state.
Essentially, you start spacing out after riding for a while.
Your mind wanders to certain space related games.

You can't help but wonder if you should text a certain someone..
It's been quite some time now since you last talked with them.
You wonder if they are still playing force unleashed.
You were watching them play it over video call when they first started out, but you got too caught up in various things you were busy with to continue.

You can't help but wonder how far they've gotten in the game.
You make a mental note to shoot em a text when you get back.
Knowing you though, you'll probably forget about it by the time you think of literally anything else.

You are dragged back to reality as the grocery store comes into view.
You pull up and park your bike outside, locking it up before entering the building.
Once inside, you immediately start looking for the desired items.
You have a habit of scanning just about every single isle of the store 'just in case', and this visit to the store is no different.

This grocery store in particular, just so happens to be the kind that plays music in the background while people are shopping. As your making your way down one isle in particular, a certain song you like pops on. (Cue the Chapter video) You soon find yourself jamming out to the tune, and subtly but not so subtly dancing your way through the isles.

You get so absorbed in your own little world, you totally forget you have a tiny sans in your bag, till you take notice of the strong vibrant blueish light now emanating from it.
You speed walk over to a spot you can kinda sorta hide your bag from view, and open to check to see if Sansy is alright. You peek inside to see the source of the blueish light, that being a rather disheveled Sansy.

"Hey ok?"

He looks up at you for a moment before quickly hiding his face, and you swear you saw his eye lights shaped like little hearts for a split second there.

Smol Sans
H*ll No I Am Not Ok!
I'm a f*cking idiot, I swear.
I shoulda f*cking said something while I had the chance.
The bike ride was bad, but once we were in the store it was so much worse..


How many times have I said f*ck now?
Welp, I don't care anyways.
I can't f*cking think for sh*t right now.

Currently I am the skeleton embodiment of a glowstick.
It's not even just my face, everything that can glow is glowing.
Gawd Demmit, why did you have to check on me?
I really didn't want you to see me like this..


Right, I still haven't given you an answer..
How the frick am I supposed to answer you?
I wish I could just disappear right about now.
*agonized internal screaming*

I look up at you, and you have a pretty concerned expression.
Demmit I think I'm blushing even more now..


Is it possible to die from embarrassment?
Though If it was, I think I'd probably be dead already.

" there something wrong?"

You seem very confused..I honestly don't blame you.
I just keep making this situation more and more awkward.
But Lucky Me, I get to make it even more uncomfortable!
(Sarcasm noted)


How do I put this?

"Your bag. Its..position-um..the movement.."

I barely manage to string together a few coherent words, yet by some miracle you manage to sorta understand what I'm trying to say.

"Oh, right Sorry! You've probably been getting tossed around inside my bag huh? Since it doesn't really have seat belts or, how about I just move you to a different spot where your less likely to get thrown around?"

Thank gawd.

"Yeah..and okay.."

I'm so relieved..
You take a minute to think of where else you could put me.
Eventually you seem to come to a conclusion.

"So I don't have very many other spots I could really hide you, however I might be able to hide you in my shirt pocket underneath my jacket, if that's ok?"

I nod quickly in response, not really taking the time to actually think through what I just agreed to, in a rush to no longer be in the bag.
You unzip your jacket, and I allow you to move me from the bag.
I notice a red tint to your cheeks, that I don't quite understand the reasoning for.
That is till I realize my mistake once I'm placed in the new location.

Oh. Gawd. No00OOOoo~
How the feck are you remotely ok with this?!

"There we sure your alright with this?"

How in gawds name are you alright with this???
F*ck I can't even words right now!
*illegible internal screaming*

Gawd help me.
I tilt my head down in an attempt to hide my face again.
Then I hear you start to zip up your jacket.

"Well, um..ok then..."

Oh Gawd.
You didn't really take that as a nod did you?
No, what am I thinking?
Of course you did.

The powers governing my existence probably get a kick out of my suffering.

Smol sans and a fangirl (a bitty sans x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now