Late Night Shame

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"What the hell was that?" Pansy grabs me by my shoulders and shakes me dizzy.

"The prince is just being an arse... a cute arse" My cheeks heat up thinking back as to how close the prince's face was to mine. I could see Harry's emerald eyes up close; they were more beautiful than the painting in the hallway. No painting could ever come close to the emotions that lay inside the green sea.

"He was flirting with you Draco!" Pansy high-pitched squeal almost breaks my eardrum "The fucking prince! Wait did you just say cute?"

"no what are you blabbering about?" I don't even know him, he's probably some spoiled kid that was just making fun of the help. If I did feel anything it wouldn't work" I can't hide the disappointment in my voice "Falling in love with a prince is just way one for me to get heartbroken." Now I know what your thinking, Draco you are in love with the prince you said it yourself! Well, Pansy doesn't need to know that now does she! I'm so fucked, aren't I?

Pansy for the remainder of the night tried to convince me that there was something there. A spark if you will. After five minutes into the rant, I tuned her out and started to wash the pile of dishes we have to do.

"Draco are you even listening?" Pansy's voice broke my trance. I turn to see her with her hands on her slim hips and her head tilted.

"I may have tuned you out, what did I miss" I looked back down at the dirty water in search for any more dishes.

"Would it be really that bad if you fell in love with the prince" Back to this again are we now.

"Yes, it would be, Pansy end of discussion" I let the dirty water wash away and begin to file out of the kitchen.

"Fine since we can't talk about you know who, how about we take a relaxing stroll through the gardens?" Pansy's grabs my hand and starts to lead me away from the servant quarters.

"Are we even allowed?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" She stops pulling me along and just smiles at me. "We work for the castle; we may roam free. We're not locked in the kitchen or our bedrooms. Our duties are done for today. Have you ever seen any other parts of the castle?" I shake my head no, I was never given a tour around the castle, I never expected one either. I'm a cook, not a guest.

"Well the least I can do is show you the garden, it's stunning this time of year." Pansy begins to pull me along again. We go through so many hallways to the point where I lost track of how to get back to the kitchen. She drops my arm so she can open a glass door leading to the gardens. Cool wind rushes in and hits me all over. It's refreshing, to say the least. I walk outside and feel my jaw drop.

"It's... beautiful..." Flowers of all colors as far as the eyes can see. Water fixtures lay at every corner, light posts lining the gravel path. Tears find their way into my eyes; I try to blink them away but some escape and roll down my cheek. "Draco are you ok?" A soft hand touches my face rubbing away a tear.

"Yes, I'm just a little overwhelmed by the beauty... my family back in France had a beautiful garden, of course, smaller than this one but similar." My breath gets caught in my throat. I don't want to remember them. My parents have done enough damage to me, they won't have the pleasure to do it anymore.

"Tell me about your family. You spoke very little of them." We start to walk on the path away from the castle.

"All you need to know is they are fake people. They will do whatever they can to get what they want. They can't except change... Not even in their own son". I take a deep breath in, there not worth the pain and suffering anymore Draco. They won't change their minds and I accepted that a long time ago.

"I'm sorry your parents kicked you out of the house. Just for being gay" Pansy drew me in for a hug, she is shorter than me but it felt warm and inviting. We continue to walk the garden in silence. We have a great view of the stars, not a single cloud in sight. I poke at Pansy's side.

"Do you see those groups of starts?" I point to them with a grin. "That's the Draco constellation" Pansy punches my arm and laughs lightly.

"We better start to head back in. Don't want to stay out too late" Both Pansy and I head back to the castle. I make Pansy escort me to the servant rooms because know I would get lost. She pokes fun at me for having no sense of direction.

I toss and turn for what feels like hours in bed. Every time I try to sleep, I see those vibrate green eyes staring down at me. I try to think of everything else but him. I roll on to my back and close my eyes. He's not even that attractive Draco, you can do this don't think about him. I start to drift off when I imagine Harry again. He's smiling down at me, his face is inviting and soft. Dream Harry runs his hands through my hair, I can't help but sigh and nuzzle my head into his hand.
"You look stunning doll" His voice washes over me like hot chocolate on a cold night. I snap my eyes open and rip the sheets off of me. My skin feels too hot, my clothes start to cling to my body. I can feel the sweat drip down my neck and run the length of my back. I look into my lap and see my cock making a tent out of my sleeping pants.

"You have to be joking..." I let my head fall into my hands with a dramatic sign. Well, only one way to take care of this. I push my pants to my thigh and watch my cock spring up and hit my belly. I spit into my hand and start to run my warm hand along my shaft. I rub my thumb over the head and spread the pre-cum around making it slicker. Harry's smiling face creeps into way into my head again. This time I let him stay.

"Oh fuck" I could only imagine how Harry would be in bed. Hard and punishing or genital and loving. I climb onto my stomach and raise my butt into the air. I suck my finger in and swirl my tongue around the digits making them wet with spit. I release my fingers from my mouth and bring then towards my plush arse. I continue to pump my shaft and start to rub a slick finger around my puckered hole.

"Open your self for me doll" The Harry in my head eggs me on making me wish the real Harry was the on fingering me open.

"Oh god, Harry yes!" I slowly slip in one finger wishing it was Harry's cock splitting me open. My channel clings to my finger in an intense hot grip. I bite my pillow to keep my moans from being heard. I had in another finger and start to scissoring them. More pre-cum leaks from my cock soaking the bed under me. The hand on my cock moves faster has I start to pump my finger in my arse at an almost punishing pace. I scream out into my pillow as I find my prostate and continually abuse it. I feel pressure building into my core, I know I'm not going to last much longer. I run my thumb over the head again and give one more flex of my fingers. I release a long moan and ruin the sheets with cum. I roll over away for the puddle of my own mess in a boneless heap.

After a moment or two of getting some air back into my lungs, I get up and strip my sheets and my clothes for that matter. I change into a pair for fresh pajamas and make my way towards the laundry room. I felt shame wash over me as I dumped the laundry in a dirty basket for someone else to wash. I just masturbated to the prince's image, someone who is well out of my reach. I walk to the kitchen to get some water and a quick snack to hopefully put me to bed. I need this night to end for my own sanity.

I fill my plate with a few slices of bread and some cheese. I turn around and open the door only to hit something that must have been coming in. I back away from the door and let the stranger enter the kitchen. Nonother than the man I just wanked my self to walks through the door.
"Prince Harry? What a lovely surprise"

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