The Past, Present, and Future

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"Please doll" I can feel Harry's heart beating under my palms, it feels like when thunder shakes a house during a storm. I feel tears form in the corners of my eyes, I close them for a moment to breathe and let them fall. Harry has been nothing but kind to me, but I don't understand why? I'm not royalty nor will I ever be, I'm just a cook made to slave away in a kitchen. Why would he want me...? I swallow the lump in my throat, it burns terribly.

"I'll come if it will make you happy" I look up into his stunning green eyes, they light up at my words. I feel myself being pulled into a bone-crushing hug, I rest my head against his chest and let myself enjoy the warmth and security of Harry, the man I've grown to love in no time. Love is a tricky thing, I barely know the man and I'm ready to fight the world with him. I'll let myself enjoy this one moment but I can't get my hopes up high. Harry belongs with someone of equal status, someone who can offer him an heir to the throne, not a boy who was kicked out of his house for being gay. I'll let myself enjoy spending time with him at the party because I know after that it will be our last together. Harry's warm hands and soft words bring me out of my thoughts.

"Where were you beautiful, you looked so far away" Harry still has his goofy smile on his face, I can't help but fall deeper into this pit of love. His eyes are so bright with happiness It warms my head more than any sun can. I can't tell him the truth he will only create false hopes and aspirations.

"I was just thinking of what I have to wear to the party, I might have to go out and buy something" I give him a small smile then a light kiss on his cheek and detach myself from him. "I must get going, you have lunch to attend to" and with that, I turn on my heels and make my way towards Pansy's room, I need to tell this to someone or else I'm going to lose my mind!


When I finally get to Panys room I start pounding on her door.

"Open up Pans! We have so much to talk about! It involves the prince..." The door swings open with Pansy on the other end, she has a crazed look in her eyes. Before I can back away she reaches out and grabs me by the college of my shirt and pulls me into her room. It looks a lot like mine. It's a simple space. A small dresser on one wall with a jewelry box sitting on top, a twin-sized bed on the other and two small windows on both sides of the bed. We were allowed to add our own flair to the rooms. Pansy added a full length merrier, lots of photos of what seems to be her and her family and some pretty flowers. She walks me over to the bed and makes me sit then she climbs on as well.

"So what's going on with your prince!" Pansy grabs my shoulder and shakes me violently I might add. Once I regain my vision I tell her everything that went down just earlier today. By the end of it, my cheeks are burning hot and I'm playing with the ends of my hair. It's a nervous habit I developed years back.

"Draco he likes you! Oh my god, this is like a fairytale! You're a real-life Cinderella!" Pansy covers her mouth and proceeds to squeal. "We need to start looking into what you're going to wear! How you're going to do your hair! This is amazing, I'm going to make sure Harry can't take his eyes off of you!" Pansy's smile drops once she takes one look at me. "Why aren't you happy about this? A prince, a HOT prince likes you! What's not to be excited about?" She lays her hand on top of mine and gives it a squeeze. "Draco what are you worried about?" Pansy's voice softens, it only makes me want to cry more. I take a few moments to collect the right words in my head and to make sure no tears will fall from my eyes.

"It's the fact he is a prince... he should be with someone who is of equal status and who knows what the hell they're doing in life, who has end goals and opportunities, not a runaway who got lucky finding a job as a cook. As much as I would love to have him whisk me away on a white horse into the sunset it's not going to happen, it's not meant to be. I can't give him an heir, I know nothing about English politics! What if his own people turn on him because he's with a man! What will his parents think? I won't be thrown away again because of my sexuality... I cant be tossed away again" I lightly touch my cheek to find it's wet, I look up at Pansy and feel a sob break it's way through my throat.

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