"I Will Protect You"

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The sun always seems to shine brighter when everything in your world is going well. Birds sing louder, the sun shines brighter, the air feels warmer, and colors seem all that much more vibrant. I woke up this morning with a smile plastered on my face. I scared Pansy at one point with how my face refused to stop smiling.

"Can you stop making that face? It's terrifying" Pansy pokes my sore red cheeks.

"Stop what? being happy?" I roll my eyes and let out a breathy laugh before falling back on my bed with a huff.

"Stop smiling like a lunatic!" Pansy lays across my stomach then turns to look at my still smiling face. "I'm happy for your dear, you deserve to be loved" Pansy raises a hand and light brushes my cheek.

"Thank you, love... It means a lot to me" I grab Pansy's hand and hold it close to my chest. After a while, a soft knock at the door breaks our peaceful silence. Pansy gets off my stomach to let me up. I slowly make my way towards the door; I stare at the door handle than another knock a little softer rings in the room. I can feel sweat drip down the back of my neck as I reach for the handle. I open the door to find Lily on the other end; she wears a warm peachy modest dress, her hair seems to be curled and frames her face to give off a goddess feel, a little bit of blush, lipstick, and eyeshadow lay in her to complete the look. Lily always holds herself high. I can't help but want to wrap myself in her essence.

"Draco! Mrs. Parkinson, it's lovely to see you again" Lily's ruby red lips form into an adoring smile.

"Mr's Potter it's an honor! I'm surprised you even knew my name..." Pansy makes her way from the bed to stand next to me. She reaches her hand across the threshold to Lily.

"Of course I know your name dear, you work in my castle, are under my care, it would be cruel if I didn't know the names of my staff members" I watch Lily grab Pansy's outstretched hands with both hers. Pansy's cheeks turn as red as Lily's hair. "I came down here to speak to Draco, Pansy would you mind if I spoke to him in private for a quick moment"

"Of course, take your time!" Pansy puts a heavy hand on my shoulder and forces me to her height. "I'm going to get a snack, want anything"

"I'll take a bowl of fruit please thank you"

"Good luck darling, you better share the details" Pansy pokes me in my side before excusing herself to the kitchen.

"Come in!" I move so Lily can make her way through the door, I pull out my desk chair as an offer. "Your welcome to sit anywhere you please!" I watch her walk over to my unmade bed and sit gracefully on the rumbled sheets. I stand awkwardly not exactly knowing protocol I twiddle my thumbs till Lily calls my name.

"Draco, dear, please sit" Lily holds her hand waiting for me to grasp it. I take a hard breath before placing my hand in hers. Mine is just barely bigger than hers. Her hands are warm and soft on my freezing skin. The warmth travels up my arm and spreads through the rest of my body. As if I just took a warm shower after playing in the rain. She lightly pulls on my arm and maneuvers me so I am seated next to her. She lightly pats my thigh before speaking again. "There is no reason to be scared Draco, you have done nothing to warrant such fear."

"I'm sorry Lily I don't mean to come off as rude" I swallow the lump in my throat and keep my eyes focused on my hands resting in my lap.

"Sweatheart I came to ask you if you would like to have dinner with us tonight? Harry has been... different. In a wonderful way do not worry. He is over the moon about you, I and James would love to get to know the boy who has our son wrapped around his finger" Lily runs her hands over my red cheeks and lightly turns my face so I'm forced to stare into the stunning emerald eyes. It's more like I'm wrapped around Harry's finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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