This I could get used to

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Harry peaks over his shoulder to figure out what I was looking at. He turns around to find a room full of people who are much richer than me, staring into what feels like my soul. I feel my chest start to tighten, the only noise in the room is my blood rushing in my ears. I feel my face burst into flame under all this attention. I slowly start to try to detach myself from Harry's grasp but his fingers tighten on my sides as he brings me closer. I let out a pitiful squeak that I am not too proud of. One of Harry's hands weeds itself into my hair, he holds me by the back of my head and looks down into my eyes. He must have sensed my nerves.

"Don't be scared doll. No one will hurt you I will make sure of it" Harry gives me a light kiss in the forehead before letting go. We take our time making it back to where everyone was congregated. All eyes are still on me, I can feel them burning it to my skin. My legs feel as if they will collapse under me at any moment, it's like trying to walk on water. The world feels frozen; no one blinks and no sound is heard. Frozen in time.

Once we reached the center of the floor the music starts up again as if that little moment in time never happened. Harry's arms wrap around my frame and draw me in, then starts to sway to the melody.

The room is beautifully decorated. Flowers of all colors lay on every surface available creating a wonderful rainbow, chandleries covered in what looks like diamonds light up the room. Wooden tiles were placed on the floor to create the dance floor I'm standing on now. The rest of the room is covered in an ornate red rug.

Harry's warm hands slowly melt my tense frame till I turn so relaxed I practically become boneless in his arms. I look up at Harry to see him with a goofy smile across his face. I give a small giggle and lay my head on his shoulder. I'm going to enjoy this for as long as humanly possible.

He spins me around the dance floor then ends the dance with a dramatic dip. I cling to his back and let out a genuine laugh. He brings me back up and starts to laugh along with me. As the next song begins to play, I watch a woman shorter than me with long brown hair pop up behind Harry.

"May I have the next dance?" The witch's voice feels like nails on a chalkboard, threatening to blow my eardrum out and shatter any nearby glass. Her eyes bore into me, lifeless brown orbs that can only convey hate. I watch Harry's face contort into discomfort as she holds out her hand, I feel his fingers dig into my back before letting go. I run a hand across his face and give a warm smile.

"This party is for you Potter, better get used to the attention" I give a short laugh and detangle myself from the man of honor tonight. He looks at me for a moment longer with sadness in his eyes (he looked like a kicked puppy), then turns to the slut behind him. She gives me an evil snarl then proceeds to press her chest to Harry's and lock her skeleton fingers in his already messy hair. Her baby blue dress left little to the imagination. Her chest looked like It could spring out at any moment. She practically tries to dry hump him. I roll my eyes and proceed to work my way towards the corner of the room.

Out of sight out of mind.

I watch other guests either partake in dancing or just sitting around making conversations. They all talk as if they have known one another since the dawn of time. I've never felt more out of place. It's almost threatening, I swallow the lump in my throat and make my way towards the snack table.

I look over to see Harry's new dance partner is a red-headed girl, her dress is a little bit more modest than the last dance partner. It's a beautiful violet color, I can't lie. She seems to be trying to make conversation but Harry is not at all there mentally. He keeps nodding his head as if he's listening but his eyes scan the room as if he's looking for something when his eyes finally reach me his face lights up. I give a smile back and continue to the table.

The French cook and the English prince.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें