The blushing doll

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Dinner is well over and I still can't get him out of my head. I haven't seen him for hours but the image in my head is still sharp. I don't even know the doll's name! His skin was so pale he looked as if he walked off a self from a porcelain shop. His hair was so blond it was almost white. The only color on his face was that delicious blush I wanted to lick off and his cold silvery blue eyes. They looked like a sea in the middle of a storm. So much emotion swirling around, once in while lightning would strike. Just thinking about him gets me hard.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled coming out of the castle's library. Ron was hot on her heels carrying an arm full of books that look ready to fall over any second. Ron is my personal knight and my best friend; his family has been loyal to the family for decades. We have been close since we were babies. Hermione comes from a more poor family but has a brain bigger than me and Ron combined. My parents have always welcomed her with open arms even when I first made friends with her. She keeps us out of trouble... most of the time. She's the brains in the operation and were her loyal servants.

"Hermione, Ron" I give them a cheeky smile as they fall in step with me. We walk in silence towards my bedroom. My mind wanders back to the cook. I couldn't help but want to reach out and touch him. I've been known for acting on impulse. Touching his soft skin sent bolts of electricity through my veins.

"Mate what you smiling about over there" Ron's voice cuts through my train of thought.

"The server today, the pale one with silky blond hair. I can't get his blush out of my head." I let my head fall into my hands as I let out a tortured groan.

"He's the new one, right? From France or something" Hermione chimes in looking up from the book in her hands and closing it rather dramatically.

"Yes that one, His skin is so soft and he smells of fresh bread and roses," I say like a lovesick puppy. It's almost pathetic.

"You have it bad mate" Ron smacks me across the back then laughs at my pain "Are you planning on doing anything with this new obsession?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I can't help but want to punch him.

"I would like to get to know the doll before I come to any drastic measures. All I know is he's from France, he can cook and I want to shove my cock into him till he screams" Hermione chokes on her spit and snaps her head round to stare at me as if I summoned a demon.

"Harry have some manners!" She slaps my arm and continues walking. Ron laughs so hard tears form on the corner of his eyes.

"Yes Harry have some manners when you stuff the boy full" Ron sticks his nose into the air in mockery.

Ron and I laugh running away from Hermioni who is swinging a rather large book at our heads.


"I've never seen you interested in someone" Hermione looks up from her book and gives me a look. "What made you change your mind"

"I don't have a crush on him as a child would! I just like the way his whole face turns bright red, or how you can see almost every emotion in his steel-grey eyes." Ron and Hermione look at each other then turn to look at me.

"Sure Harry you don't have a crush on your doll" Ron rolls his eyes at me and goes back to staring out the window. Hermione gives a small wink and a giggle before going back to her book. He's like a magnet, my mind keeps going back to him every chance it gets. I can't help but think about him. I only saw him for a quick moment before he ran back to the kitchen. I wouldn't mind talking to him again, getting to know everything about him. Shit... maybe I do have a crush.


All I can think about for the remainder of the night is him and this blooming crush that's filling my head and heart. Every time I think about him my skin gets hot, my heart rate picks up, it becomes hard to breathe, and I feel oddly happier. I have no idea why I'm so drawn to him. I've never been interested in anyone else. No one has ever caught my eye, male or female for that matter. My love life is nonexistent and I liked it that way. Now all I want to do is be around him, I want to watch him smile, I want to hear his laugh. I want to be lost in his existence.

The French cook and the English prince.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora