If there is a god thank you for creating my Draco.

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"Mr. Potter, may I come in?" A soft knock was laid on my door with a small voice to follow. I let out a long yawn and stretch my arms above my head; I hear a satisfying pop in my shoulder as everything finally goes back into place.

"Yes come in" I prop up my pillows then lean back as I watch a blond maid come in, I think her name was Mary? Who knows we have so many people working for us nowadays.

"Breakfast will be served in an hour, would you like me to draw a bath for you?" She bows her head refusing to make eye contact with me. I hate this scared treatment I get. I'm just as human as the rest of them. Look me in the eye please I won't bite your head off I promise!

"Yes, that would be wonderful! Thank you! What was your name again?" I put my chin in my hand as I watch my maid's eye grow in size and as her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

"My- My name?" She finally makes eye contact with me even if it's only for a short moment.

"Yes, your name. I would like to know. It's good to know the names of the people who are working in my castle. It creates a better work environment and a healthy relationship don't you think?" I give the girl a warm smile in hopes she won't be so terrified anymore.

"My name is Marybell, but everyone calls me Mary" She bows her head then lifts it and looks me in the eyes. There's still fear embedded in her blue eyes but it's slowly fading.

"Well, Mary I'll let you continue with your duties." I push the sheets off my and make my way towards my closest. I hear the soft sounds of Mary walking her way to my bathroom and start to draw me a bath. The sound of water running and soft birds chirping fills my ears.

Today is my date Draco, my doll of you will. I need to pick an outfit that will wow him. I find a nice white button-down shirt and a pair of freshly pressed black slacks. I bring them out and lay them on the bed carefully to make sure there will be no wrinkles for when I wear them tonight.

I turn and look out my grand windows. The sun rays shine in, birds fly by singing their songs, the tree outside my windows sways with the wind effortlessly. I feel a sense of ease than a slight tinge of fear. My date with Draco means the world to me. I'm excited to have him all to myself again but terrified I will somehow mess it up.

"Mr. Potter, your bath is ready, and as a reminder breakfast will be served in about an hour" Mary smiles at me before taking her leave. I get undressed and sink into the warm bath. I can feel all the muscles in my body finally relax and the sleepless what still lingers in me slowly being metaled away.

I let myself relax in the bath for a solid ten minutes before I start to wash my hair and body. My mind always seems to drift to my little blondie whenever I get a second to myself. Tonight is my date with him, I've never been more excited and nervous at the same time. I want to throw up my heart and sink into the floor. Draco deserves a grand date but I still have no ideas as to what I'm going to do. I want to show that I am great boyfriend material but I'm a bumbling idiot ( Hermione's words to be exact) who has no romantic bone in my body. The worst part is I have to wait for Draco to get off his duties tonight, so after dinner, I can take him on a date... In the dark with little to do... wonderful.

I get dressed in a casual blue button-down and some grey dress pants. I don't want to stain my outfit for tonight cause lord knows I have the chance to.

I slowly make my way to the dining room before I hear the sounds of rushing footsteps coming closer to me. As I turn around a blurry red ball takes me to the floor.

"Harry!" Rons usually loud voice fills the hall and proceeds to echo down it. Ron gets himself off of me and offers a hand. I grab at it and let him pull me up. "So what you up to"

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