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Scourge sat under the bridge silently, he couldn't explain what had happened back in the outskirts of the city, but he sure as hell knew it wasn't right, both the sudden change of heart and that he hadn't killed Fiona, she deserved it, yet he felt bad for it and felt to give her another chance

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" He muttered as he stared down at the running river, but his ears went up as he heard something coming towards where he was, he got ready to defend himself, but the scent of blood filled his nose as he locked eyes with red, the bloody smirk on the other's face startled him, but the blood startled him even more "Zonic?"

"Who else would it be?' The smirk only seemed to widen, the crazed look in his eyes made Scourge swallow and take a step back "I'm not scaring the 'King' am I?" the he laughed the gun in his hand dripping with fresh blood

"What-' Scourge didn't finish as he was pinned by Zonic 

"Don't. Fucking. Ask" Zonic growled his red eyes going a shade darker as he bared his bloodied teeth, as his voice dripped with venom 

"Okay okay geez" Scourge muttered, he didn't understand why but his face had heated up, he always dismissed the emotions he felt whenever he saw the other, he never understood them, but now, whatever had happened to cause the sudden changes, he was left even more confused, but the dark chuckle that came from the one above him snapped him out of his thoughts

"If you say anything that I was here, you'll regret it~" the deeper voice from the whisper sent a sensation down his body, Scourge could only manage to swallow and nod slowly and then Zonic let him go, leaving blood on his jacket and chest "And if you see the zone cops...Send my regards" the glint in Zonic's blood shot eyes was enough to terrify him and then he was gone, leaving Scourge confused, dazed, blushing and terrified 

To Be Continued

So I know this ones shorter than the other two chapters, but the next ones gonna be awesome! anyways, thanks for reading


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