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The unsettling news of Sonic Prime killing Doctor Eggman was a blow the trio hadn't seen coming, it was almost impossible for them to even see Sonic Prime cause something like this, especially if it meant killing someone

"that's... That's not possible" Scourge muttered in disbelief as he stared at the doctor as he shock his head

"I'm afraid it's true... Zonic killed the head commanders in no zone just hours before" Kintorbor sighed

"The sight of blood makes Zonic sick! How could he have killed them!" Steel glared, but the sound of echoing laughter chilled them all to the bone, but the laugh was familiar to him, and it scared him more than any would've realised

"So true, blood being so thick and so red, that copper scent and taste, but the only thing it ever reminded me of was the time i shot the person who abandoned me" the laughter echoed again, and the drip of venom on their tongue was sweetly demonic

"How long have you been following us?" Scourge asked, not looking up, knowing all he'd meet would be blood red eyes

"Awhile, seems your wits will never change Scourge, always expecting everything to go to plan" The voice laughed

"What exactly happened?" Scourge asked again, only this time to stare up at the navy hedgehog, clothes stained with blood as they watched him silently, a shift in his posture and gaze caused Scourge to shift uncomfortably himself

"Too many things have happened, to much trust spent on those I called friends and for what? You were right Scourge... I did end up like you" the navy hedgehog landed in front of Scourge with a wicked grin, his were a much deeper red than that of Zonic's

"Right about what?" Scourge mumbled as he took a step back as  the other came closer

"I turned out exactly like you said i would"

To be continued

Sorry it's so short- I Know i haven't been publishing as much as i used to- but I've been struggling with ideas for a lot of my stories and I've been over thinking everything, including publishing this book... filled with different stories in different fandom i'm in, and you all might be thinking I stopped writing things for the Sonic Fandom, but that's not true, i'm still very much into the sonic fandom and i doubt that will change, because this fandom caused me to start writing in the first place and i admit i used to think Lgbtq were kinda wrong... Because i never fully understood what it stood for, a friend of mine actually introduced me to Sonadow and i got obsessed with it and i began liking other ships, I used to be a big Sonamy shipper, but i found i didn't like it as much as i used to, but Amy will always be one of my favourite characters, now I don't plan on abandoning my Sonic fan fictions, but I don't want to be forced write about the one fandom when I'm in multiple, so I hope and thank you for understanding

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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