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He held a bloodied knife in his hand as his crazed eyes looked around, he twitched with anticipation and excitement, yet at the same time his mind screamed at him, the scent of blood overwhelmed him like a drug, one that he had so easily been addicted to, his victims laying dismantled on the ground, he had no idea where he was, nor did he care, as long as he felt like this he couldn't give a damn if he died, he didn't care about anyone, he started laughing, he didn't know why, but he felt like laughing, but it none of it helped that images of his dead parents flashed through his head, his mother dead on the floor, killed by his father and his father dead because of him

"Why did I ever think being a cop was 'the coolest thing ever'?" He laughed as tears ran down his face, as his bloodied hand held his head as the smirk never faltered, his blood red eyes watering as he felt the warm liquid run down his blood spattered face "I'm just a screw up, but everyone knew that one" he clenched the bloodied knifes handle tightly "No wonder everyone around me is dead"

that's when his ears perked up as well as his head as he heard something in the background, he scanned his surroundings again, his grip on the blade loosened, but he was caught off guard as he was tackled to the ground, he grunted but met face to face with Zhadow, who had an almost frightened expression, the knife Zonic had, had been knocked out of his hand and landed near a puddle of blood from one of his victims , Zonic growled as his mind remained hazy, he couldn't think as he thrashed around in the other's grip, who was struggling to keep him down

"Zhadow-" Zespio and Zector arrived a second later, they'd chased after the hedgehog after he'd randomly run off, the two stood there in slight shock at the two hedgehogs, yet Zhadow kept his grip on the younger hedgehog tight

'Calm down! We're trying to help" Zhadow stated through gritted teeth as Zonic continued to fight against his grip

"You can't help me" Zonic spat as he glared at Zhadow with blood red eyes, the anger and haziness startled Zhadow and gave Zonic the chance to kick him in the chest the strength of the kick knocked Zhadow off balance and cause him to fall back a short distance while letting Zonic go

"Sir please" Zespio frowned as he went to intervene, but froze as a gun appeared out of no where in Zonic's right hand and a blade in the other, and yet his eyes seemed to glow unnaturally and the blood and dirt that covered him made him look terrifying

"there's no saving me" his voice went eerie and terrifying as he locked eyes with the chameleon "There never was and there never will"

"your not thinking straight!" Zector argued as he took a step towards him "Listen we can take you back to No Zone so that Zails can help you"

"No one can help me" that was the last thing he said before he shot Zector in the leg and the running Zhadow had no time to react to the speed the other ran at, he wasn't as fast as Sonic prime or Scourge, yet he was faster than them, while Zespio went to help his crocodile companion

To be continued

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