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Women are to be seen and not heard.

Women are to respect the Authority of men.

Women are to speak only when spoken to.

Women do not associate themselves with talk of war.

Women do not lead, they follow.

Women must marry and bear children.

Women can not rule.

All these 'rules' have been ingrained into girls from a young age. It is very rare to see a man allow a woman to speak her mind. Fathers want sons to keep their name and then take their places as head of family. Sons gain all the wealth while daughters are married off.
My sister was no different from this. She married my brother-in-law, King Philip of Spain, Portugal, Naples, and Sicily who then gained the title King of England. Though my sister held the power, she was only held in a higher a regard after her union.

But after seeing what happened to my mother, I refuse to let any man dictate my life.

I am the Queen of England.

I hold the power.

No man will take that from me.

I will prove that I am more powerful than any King has been and ever will be.

This may be "a man's world" to the men, but I see it as a game of chess...

Without a Queen, there is no kingdom.

When the Queen falls, the King will follow and then...


I am My Mother's daughter Where stories live. Discover now