We are Equals

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Why do men think that women are inferior.

Are we not just as intelligent?

Do we not work just as hard as them?

Are we not just as stubborn as they are?

I have been told many times that women are only good for one thing; to bear a son for their husbands. But I know that we are meant to change this blasted world for the better.

I had another dream, I watched her life after marriage. I watched her go from a fierce independent woman who talked freely to the king, to a woman who feared for her life and the life of her daughter. He broke her trust and faith in him. And in the end he had her killed so he could move on to his mistress.

Why do men feel threatened by an intelligent woman?

Why are they so angry when we are independent?

Will they ever see the truth?

I will change their views on us. We will not be seen as inferior. We have never been inferior...

We are equals.

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