I am married to England

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"Your Majesty, I must insist that you accept King Phillip's proposal."

"That is enough, I have told you time and time again Lord Chancellor, I will never be ruled by a man. I am married to England and I intend to keep it that way until my dying breath."

"But Your Majesty, you must marry, England needs an alliance and a proper heir."

" I said that is enough! We will no longer discuss this. And you will do well to remember who you are talking to."

This is a conversation that has happened more times than I can count. This is the King Phillip's second time trying to court me, even his own son, Don Carlos, has tried. Yet every man shall get the same answer, No.
My mother was a prime example of what happens when you let a man hold power over you. I shall never follow in her footsteps. I have enough to worry about, what with my dear cousin, Queen Mary of Scotts, believing that she is the rightful heir to my throne and deciding to challenge me for it. And of course there are the dreadful dreams of my mother that haunt me.
Last night I saw her face, staring out of the tower window. She was watching as her brother, my Uncle, George Boleyn was executed. Silent tears were streaming down her face. She looked so broken.
My father was now with his new love, Mistress Jane Seymour. Although as soon as my mother was beheaded, she would be call Queen Jane, my first stepmother.
I shall never forgive my father for what he and his Mistress-turned-Queen did to my mother. She watched his infidelity in pain. she begged him to stop. Yet he decided to listen to the poisonous words of his advisors about her so called infidelity and incest with my uncle and other men.
My father was truly and idiot. My mother loved him with all her heart and he threw her away.
He is a prime example of what a man is, and what he does.

He will use you.

He will leave you.

And he will kill you.

That is why I shall stay committed to my vows for my country.

And when any man asks me, I shall say...

I am married to England.

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