Too Late

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Her tears hit the bottom of the stone windowsill as she watched her brother and friend be beheaded.  Locked away in the tower, she could only lean over and silently pray for their souls. Pray that they would find peace. They were innocent, just as she was.

She had lost weight since her miscarriage, the one caused by seeing Mistress Jane Seymour on the lap of her husband. The pain of seeing them together, knowing his love for her was slipping, was enough to make her lose her darling son. England's Prince. Now she looked too thin, too tired, too broken, yet still beautiful. Her dresses seemed to drown her.But no one acted as if they cared. They probably just wanted to stay in the King's good graces. Even her own father had turned his back to her.

Her Henry was no longer there, in his place was a monster who wanted to have her gone from his memory. He saw her as a witch and her daughter as a bastard, and now he wanted to destroy her. No doubt it was the court who planted this in his head. They never did approve of her marriage to the king and kept fighting to break it. And now they had.

Now all she would do is sit in the tower and pray. She and God knew of her innocence and that was all that truly mattered.

They would all realize their mistakes, but by then...

It would be too late.

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