Bloody Mary

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My sister, Queen Mary I, suffered far more than anyone should. She, like myself, was a pawn in my father's game of life. I can understand her anger and bitterness towards my mother, for I feel the same towards Mistress Jane Seymour, but I can only sympathize with her to a certain extent.

Mary took after her mother in her faith, she was a devoted Roman Catholic. Our father , King Henry VIII, split from the Roman Catholic Church and created the Church of England, a Protestant church, so he could divorce the late Queen Cathrine of Aragon. Although Mary could not see her mother, she still knew of her. No one called her mother a whore or a witch. They didn't slander her mothers name with false stories. And yet, I don't know if it would have been better for Mary if her mother died like mine did. That way she wouldn't have had to feel the pain of knowing that her mother was forbidden to see her. But then again, knowing that your father ordered your mother's execution will harden your soul.

Mary went on to burn my people for not being devoted Roman Catholics. She took it upon herself to "cleanse England", and in doing so she burned three hundred of my people at the stake, and drove eight hundred of them into hiding.

Near the end of her rein, I was taken to the same tower that my mother was. The Tower of London. The tower where she spent her last days, I spent a long two months. I had something else in common with my mother. Something that bonded us. We were both given a sham of a trial by those who wanted us gone. And we both awaited our fates, fearful of what was to come.

I thought I was meant to die there. I thought she had won.

The first queen regent of England.

The first born of the late king.

The Pearl of her father's eye.

Queen Mary the first had become known as

Bloody Mary

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