Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first fan fic so if you have any suggestions, please comment! Enjoy the first chapter :)

Rey opened her eyes to the feeling of a hand resting on her lower stomach. She felt the power radiating off of the hand, healing her. She looked up and saw the face of her familiar and new ally Ben Solo. She scrambled up to a sitting position and looked into her saviors eyes.

"Ben," Rey spoke lowly

She stared into his eyes looking for a sign of what he was thinking.

Her eyes roamed to his lips, her hand lifting slowly to caress his cheek. They felt the connection immediately. Both leaning in, their lips collided in a passionate kiss full of love and gratitude.

They unconnected and she gazed into his honey brown eyes. Ben cracked a crooked toothy smile. Rey's heart fluttered at the sight of him smiling for the first time.

"I gave you half of my energy to save you," Ben quietly murmured, eyes focused on Rey's.

"Thank you Ben," Rey answered, pulling him into a tight embrace.

She couldn't explain in words how she felt. Everything seemed right in the galaxy. Palpatine was finally dead. For good this time. The Resistance was okay and the Final Order no longer existed. And she had Ben Solo, not Kylo Ren, in her arms.

"We should get going, so the Resistance knows we are okay," Rey said.

"I can't come with you," Ben answered, looking down to the floor beneath them.

"Why? You have to. Where else would you go?" Rey questioned.

"I've done horrible things to the resistance and to the galaxy," he huffed, "What makes you think the resistance would even be okay with me there. I'll probably be killed on site."

"I won't let that happen Ben. I know you have changed. They will understand," Rey promised as she grabbed his hand in hers.

Rey stood up, leaned down and helped Ben off the floor. They walked hand in hand back to Luke's X-wing.

Rey felt the anxiety radiating off of Ben.

"It's okay Ben. They will accept you. They accept everyone. You just have to prove that you have changed from being Kylo Ren," Rey assured him.

They kept walking and boarded the ship. Rey started up the X-wing and they flew off towards the outer rim territories. They made their way to Ajan Kloss, the jungle moon where the resistance had been recovering from the first order attacks. The beautiful green, blue, and white swirls came into view. Rey couldn't wait to be reunited with her family again.

Rey lands the X-wing and hops out.

"Just stay here for a second. I'm gonna tell them about you first," Rey said.

Ben nodded and stayed in his seat. Rey walked around trying to find her friends. Everyone left in the resistance was crowded around hugging and being reunited with their friends and family. Rey smiled to herself knowing she'll be able to have that too. She slid through the crowd when he finally sees Poe and Finn looking around as well. They made eye contact and ran to each other.

"You guys are okay!" Rey yelled as she wraps both her arms around them in a tight embrace.

They stayed that way for a minute, reveling in the fact the others were still alive and well.

"Guys, so there's something i have to-"

"Why is he here," Finn grunted, his eyes focused behind Rey.

Rey quickly spun around to find Ben out of the X-wing walking towards her.

"I told you to stay in the ship, Ben," Rey jeered.

The next events happened very quickly.

All around Ben, everyone had their weapons raised and focused on Ben. He threw his hands up in surrender.

"No guys. Wait he's-"

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your head off your shoulders," Finn growled, with his blaster raised and ready to shoot.

"I'd like to see you try FN-2187," Ben taunted.


The blast was suspended in mid air. Ben's hand was outstretched.

"Stop. Everyone stop. Ben drop the blast. Fin lower your blaster," Rey begged.

Ben let go of the blast and let it hit a nearby tree away from the crowd. Hesitantly Finn lowered his blaster, his eyes glued to Ben's.

"He's okay he's not going to hurt anyone. He saved my life," Rey quickly explained.

The group huddled around Ben slowly lowered weapons and looked to Rey.

"I am no longer Kylo Ren. I am who I should have been all along but was too weak to be. Ben Solo," Ben reassured everyone.

"I'm not buying it. You literally tortured me and burrowed through my mind to find where BB-8 was. How do you justify that buddy," Poe added.

"I know have made mistakes but i'm trying to be a better person. I want to help. I want to be apart of something good again," Kylo reasoned.

Rey smiled at Ben, her heart filled with warmth at his words.

"Everyday from the day I was born, thoughts of evil and darkness filled by mind by both Snoke and Palpatine. They both manipulated me to do their dirty work. I gave into it because I wasn't strong enough to say no. Now they are gone, I feel relieved and like I don't have to hide in the darkness anymore," Ben added, smiling at Rey.

Rey walked up to Ben and stood beside him, holding his hand.

"He is one of us now. If you don't like it then leave," Rey declared.

Poe reluctantly walked to the side of Rey and held her hand too. He looked over to Finn who stared at him with surprised eyes.

"You're got to be kidding me right now. He's a mass murderer guys. He's never gonna-" Finn starts.

"Enough Finn. If you can't come to accept him, then maybe you're not the person I thought you were," Rey hissed as she walked away towards the buildings that housed the bunks with Ben.

Finn stared at their backs and they walked away together smiling at each other.

"How is this even possible," Finn said under his breath, "I have to stop this from getting any worse."

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