Chapter 3

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Rey let go of Ben's hand and walked out of her quarters to follow Finn.

He wasn't really sure what to do. Ben was worried that if he were to leave her room, people would probably be scared of him or even try to hurt him. He wasn't stupid, he knew not everyone would be okay with him staying at the resistance base.

He decided to do a little exploring and look around the base. He exited the room and looked side to side. There was no one to be seen so he decided to turn left. He followed the corridor until he found a dead end with a door at the end.

He began feeling overwhelmed with sadness and he felt who was on the other side of that door. He looked behind him to make sure no one was watching. He hesitantly raised his arm and forced the door open slowly.

Inside was a beautiful wooden casket made of the finest woods on the moon. There were vines and flowers engraved into the wood along with real vines wrapped around the perimeter. The top half was propped open.

Ben stood there, not feeling or doing anything. He felt numb.

He walked towards it and stood at the top half of the box. He peered down and was instantly crushed.

"I'm sorry mother," Ben cried, "I was never a good son. I never appreciated you or dad and now everything is ruined."

He felt tears leave his eyes. He was never one to cry when someone died, but this was different. This was his mother.

"You gave your life to help me see the light when I should have seen it for myself. I'm so weak. It's my fault're dead."

He felt a hand pressed lightly on his shoulder. He turned around to see his mother, but it was only her force ghost. The dam in his chest broke and he sobbed.

"Mother. I'm...I'm so sorry." she wrapped him up into a tight embrace.

"It's okay my son. I will always be with you in spirit. I know you have changed. Ben, you are one of the strongest people I've come to know. You are a better man and everyone knows it."

"I-I love you mom."

"I know."

And just like that she was gone. He wiped his tears and turned around back to the casket. He closed the top half and turned around and left the room.


Rey, Finn and Poe were in the food storage when Kaydel came in to tell them it was time for the funeral.

They turned around and followed her out the door.

"I can't believe she's actually gone," Poe said.

The other two nodded and kept walking. Rey didn't feel like talking. Leia was like a mother to her when she had nothing. She loved her.

They walked outside to the right of all the ships that had landed to a clear open space clear of trees. Everyone was gathered around the casket to say their goodbyes.

Rey looked around the crowd trying to find Ben. She wanted him here so he could say goodbye too. He was nowhere to be found.

"Hey Rose, have you seen Ben," Rey asked.

"Not since earlier when he got here, sorry."

"So...who would like to say something first?" Commander D'Arcy asked the crowd. Some people gave speeches while others cried. The whole event was somber. It got quiet so Rey decided it was her turn to say a little something.

"Ah..well...Leia has always been a mother figure in my life. She taught me to trust in myself and in others. Ah, she's actually here right now with Luke," she sees their force ghosts hand in hand on the other side of the casket. Looking at them she continues, "She was true and real and she told it how it was no matter the consequences. I-I can't imagine my life without her," Rey began to break down and Leia walked over to her and grabbed her hand, "She was always a shoulder to cry on and motivation to get up and try again. I loved her. Rest easy Leia."

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