Chapter 5

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They met on the far end of the base, hidden by the shadows of the trees. The two men whispered to each other about their shared hatred for the same man.

Kylo Ren.

"He murdered my entire family on Raysho when they obliterated the Hosian system with their damned planet killers. He doesn't deserve to walk free here. This is our land! I won't let-"

"Woah, woah, there buddy. I get it, we all have our reasons to hate him, but we need to be smart about this," the other man spoke calmly. "Rey has been with him 24/7, we need to get them separated if this is going to work."

The other man observed him before speaking, "As long as he's dead I'm up for anything."

"You have to be the one to kill him."

"Good. I can't wait to have my hands about his neck."

"Have you forgotten. Kylo has the force, you'll be dead within seconds if you choose to do that. I bought a weapon. It's rumored to be more powerful than any Jedi or Jedi killer, in Ren's case."

The man explained to the other about how this weapon can shoot blasts that cannot be blocked by a lightsaber or the force and it poisoned it's victim if the blast didn't kill them already. Kylo Ren wouldn't stand a chance. The blast always found its target.

"You have to wait until he's alone to go after him. As soon as you see him alone, go for it. He won't be expecting it. Rey can't help that demon now."

The man pulled the blaster from his holster and handed it to the other guy. Confused he asks, "It looks like a basic blaster. This won't do anything to him!"

"That's the point, he won't expect it to be anything else but a normal blast he could block. This blaster is special, remember."

The man tucked the blaster in his own holster. "Okay. I understand the plan. You'll know when I get it done."

And with that figured out, the two men dispersed and went back to their normal lives.


"Wanna grab some food first. I'm starving." Rey asked. Ben nodded and they peacefully made their way to the cafeteria to finally eat some food.

When they entered they were welcomed with stares from the entire room. Ben had barely been out of their quarters during the past few days. Everyone was haunted by the things he did in the past. Many people wanted him out of the camp, but never did anything because of it in fear of Kylo Ren hurting them.

Rey grabbed Ben's hand and glanced at him briefly before taking him to the line for food. She grabbed a small sandwich with some sort of meat on it and some meiloorun fruit. Following behind her, Ben grabbed two of the same sandwich and instead of the fruit opted for a muffin. After they grabbed their food and waters, they made their way to an open table, sitting across from each other. The people on Ben's side of the table quickly shifted away from him, some even getting up and leaving.

"How am I supposed to get used to the base when people won't even sit six feet away from me, Rey?" Ben asked frustrated.

Rey took a bite of her sandwich. After chewing she returned, "It's going to take time, Ben. They think you're a murderer. They just have to see they have nothing to worry about and-"

"But I am." Ben interrupts.

"What?" Rey set down her sandwich.

"I am a murderer." he sounded defeated.

Rey didn't know how to respond. She wasn't stupid, she knew he was a murderer, a mass murderer, but Rey wanted to help, not make things worse. She knew how bad he felt for all the things he did even though he was manipulated his whole life.

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