Chapter 2

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As Rey and Ben made their way to the living areas in the side of the mountain, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other.

" you want your own quarters or...maybe we could share mine, I have a couch," Rey asks.

"Take me to your quarters and I'll see," Ben smirked.

Rey felt her heart flip at his words. She looked down smiling and took him to her quarters.

She opened the door and he peered inside. There was a medium sized bed in the middle of the room with a small antique bedside table next to it. The room was simplistic as she only used it to sleep. There were 2 doors which Ben assumed was her closet and the bathroom. To the left there was a small couch with tan cushions and circular brown throw pillows. In front of it was a small wooden coffee table that matched the bed side table. On the coffee table there was vase with some wilted flowers and a couple of books.

"It's not much but I basically just use it for sleeping," Rey muttered.

"It's nice," Kylo said. He looked away from the room to find Rey staring at him. "What."

"Nothing. I'm just happy you're here," Rey hinted, walking closer to him.

She looked up into his deep eyes. The sun was hitting them directly so they had a golden honey hue that sparkled. Being a foot apart, Rey felt her heart flutter. She felt nervous being this close to him. Even though they kissed an hour ago, the idea of doing it again freaked her out.

"Maybe we should go see-" Rey started but couldn't finish as Ben pulled her close to him.

Their chests touched and Rey looked up at him. His hand were around her waist and hers rested on his chest. He gripped her as if she would fall away if he let go. Rey looked up into his eyes seeing his were focused on her lips. She looked down and leaned in, moving his lips towards hers. It took her brain a second to catch up with what was happening. Both of his hands glided up from her waist, up her arms, and to her face, keeping her steady as he caressed her lips. She felt his tongue trace her bottom lip and she opened her mouth with pleasure. Ben bit her lower lip, earning a small moan from Rey. Their tongues collided and fought against each other. Her hands raised from his chest to his beautiful dark locks.

He began walking her back towards the bed. Her knees hit the end and she sat down on the edge of the bed. She laid down, Ben followed her and laid atop her propped up on his elbows. He pulled away from her face earning a grunt of frustration from Rey.

"What are you doing," Rey quickly said leaning up to try to connect with him again.

"Just looking at how beautiful you are," Kylo replied. Rey smiled at that and they collided again. This was everything she ever wanted.

Neither of them heard the door of her quarters open due to their own grunts.

"Hey Rey, I'm really sorry about earli-" Finn started.

Quickly Ben jumped off of Rey and helped her off the bed as well. She fixed her now messy hair and straightened her tunic. Finn stared at them dumbfounded.

"Finn," Rey stated as she stared at him back with horror in her eyes. He caught them making out. How could this get any worse?

Finn turned around and ran out of the door. Rey turned to Ben, gave his hand a squeeze and followed Finn.

She followed him down the hall yelling his name. He wouldn't slow down or acknowledge her calling his name. She caught up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

He quickly shook her off saying, "Don't touch me Rey. You were making out with him. He's our enemy. How do you not see that?"

"He's not our enemy anymore. He saved my life."

"Why were you kissing him. Have you been with him this whole time?"

"Of course not. We've always had a connection through the force. It just feels right Finn."

"I can't believe you right now. He almost killed you. Multiple times Rey."

"He's not like that anymore. You have to believe me. I can feel the light in him Finn. He's changed and he truly cares for me."

"You don't think I truly care for you."

Rey stared at him, "what do you mean. Of course I do."

"No Rey, I...I've always cared for you. You are amazing in every way. I've always been scared to tell you, I love you Rey. I've always loved you."

"Finn, I.." Rey took a deep breath, "I love you too, but as a friend. I'm sorry," he grabbed his hand," you have always been the greatest friend I could ever ask for. That's why I need you to be okay with Ben. He's here for good."

Finn looked at her and considered her words. He was heartbroken at her rejection, but he had a feeling it would end this way. Even if she wasn't with Ben.

"Okay. I'll try to accept him in. But I'm keeping my eye on him," Finn says lightheartedly. Rey chuckled at his remark.

Finn didn't fully believe that Ben was good all of a sudden but he decided to try because of Rey. He loved her after all. She let go of his hand.

"Wanna go grab some grub with Poe before the ceremony," Finn asks.

"I would love to."

They made their way to the small room where the food was kept. They found Poe already there snacking on some tree nuts.

"Hey guys!" Poe yelled from across the room. Everyone else in the room turned around to look at the source of the noise.

"Can't a guy yell to their friends," Poe remarked across the room.

They walked up to him laughing.

"What's up guys? Where were you?" Poe asks.

Finn and Rey looked to each other.

"Ah...I was just resting in my quarters. I'm really tired from the fight on Exegol," Rey replied.

"Same," Finn too quickly added. Rey side eyed Finn and gave him a gab in his ribs.

"Weird. So where is our Supreme Leader?" Poe taunted.

"He..ah..he's getting a tour of the base from Rose," Finn answers.

"I just saw Rose. She was outside talking to Lando. What is going on here," Poe smirked, "were you two..." he trailed off pointing to them.

"What? No, no, no we weren't doing anything," Rey quickly answered Poe.

"Yeah yeah I know bed hair when I see it Rey."

"It's not what you think Poe. It wasn't me she was with..." Finn adds.

Poe turned to you with surprise written on his face. A light bulb went off in his head.

"Kylo?" Poe asked, half smirking and still half surprised.

Rey hesitantly answered, "Yes, but before you say anything-"

"Wait, wait, and the supreme leader are together?" Poe questioned.

"Well I don't really know. We just kissed twice," Rey stated lowly.

"This is great news!" Finn and Rey both looked at him surprised to see him so excited for her. He is a mass murderer after all.


"Maybe now you won't be so cranky," Poe joked. Rey scoffed and gave him a light punch on his arm.

"I am definitely not cranky," Rey defended.

"Kinda are," Finn added.

She turned to him offended. They all erupted into laughter.

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