Chapter 8

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Ben woke up to a loud crash. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. Slowly he regained his consciousness and remembered he was on the Millennium Falcon with his dad.

Han had asked him to go along with him on one of his jobs. He told Ben, who was only ten at the time, that this job wasn't dangerous like some of his other ones. Ben had been staying with Chewie on the Falcon while Han was god knows where. He left him there on the ship for a few days, on a planet he didn't know. Rather than go explore the planet, Ben decided to just stay on the ship. He wanted to be there when his father got back.

Ben got out of bed and walked out of his small quarters. He looked around to try and find the source of the crash. He walked around the halls until he made it to the main living area. Chewie was sitting on the couch with Han.

"Dad!" Ben ran to his father and wrapped his arms around him. He smelled like liquor and sweat. When he pulled away he realized his leather jacket was covered in a dark red liquid.

"Hello Ben." Han rested his head on Ben's head and ruffled up his hair. Ben pulled away and flattened his now messy back down.

"What happened? Where were you for so long? It's been 3 days! Mom's probably so worried and-"

"Ben. Enough. I've had a rough few days."

"But, Dad-" Han walked away from Ben, to the cockpit, before he could finish.

He was always like this. He never told Ben anything that was happening. Ben hated that Han thought he couldn't handle stories of his job. If you could even call it a job.

Han couldn't trust anyone with the information he gained in his work. Quickly, Ben gained his father's skepticism. He quickly began to never trust anyone anymore, not even his own parents. They never told him anything straight, it was always some made up story or nothing at all.

If they could do it, so could he.


Ben took a deep breath and bolted at them. Who knows what he would do next.

He pushed his way through the crowd until he came face to face with the man that shot his Rey.

"Ben...Hi." Rey forgot for a moment that they were supposed to be in a fight. She looked at him and saw just how handsome he looked in his tux. It hugged his body in all the right spots. It highlighted his strong broad shoulders and his muscular arms. He looked positively striking. Rey quickly realized she was gawking at him and turned her gaze back to Finn. He was staring at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with the man who strangled him the other day.

Without another word, Ben grabbed Finn by the collar of his tux and brought him forward, until they were face to face.

Behind them, Poe and Rose quickly stepped up next to Rey.

"Woah what's happening?!" Rose exclaimed. Poe placed his arm between them, trying to break their connection. Ben was far too strong to break it.

"Ben. Stop. Now." Rey stated firmly. She thought that he would listen to her. But today was not the case.

Ben grabbed his collar even tighter and dragged him through the crowd. He used his spare hand to gently force everyone out of his way. He didn't have time to ask politely, he no longer cared if he caused a scene at the party.

Rey quickly ran to catch up with him, Poe and Rose following close behind. Ben dragged him throughout the hallways towards his spare room.

"Ben!" Rey yelled from behind him. He ignored her and continued to walk.

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