Chapter 4

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It's been a few days with Ben at the base. Him and Rey have slowly fallen into a routine.

There wasn't much to do around the base, the war was over. So their days were mostly spent in her quarters or just walking around the base. Ben usually just stayed in her quarters not wanting to cause any trouble. Occasionally Rey helped clean or organize supplies. She was getting very good at helping with the engines of the gunships. Apparently, no one really knew how their engines worked. Luckily, Rey used to rummage through their parts and knew exactly how they worked.

They shared her bed, Rey laid on the left and Ben was on the right. She always woke up before Ben. She was always an early bird even on Jakku

Every morning she woke up and went to the small cafeteria, if you could even call it that, to grab 2 cafs and 2 bagels or muffins. Ben had to have his caf and took it black, of course. Rey added some milk and sugar to hers otherwise it was too bitter. Ben was used to his special Glendora caf, which had special beans sourced from an elusive planet in the outer rim. The first order had the most expensive and luxurious products for their dear supreme leader, even the coffee. The caf from the resistance cafeteria was overly bitter and was nowhere near as flavorful, but Ben always appreciated his Rey bringing him caf and breakfast.

One morning, Rey got up at her usual time and grabbed their caf and breakfast, today it was bagels with cream cheese. She brought it back to their quarters and set it at her coffee table across from the couch. She walked over to Ben's side of the bed and noticed he was writhing around and mumbling under his breath. She quickly went to his side and placed her hand on his shoulder.

His eyes shot open. He jumped up off of the bed, lunged towards Rey, wrapping both his hands around her neck. "Ben," she whimpered, "It's me. You-You were having a-a bad dream."

He quickly realized it was Rey and let her go. She dropped to the ground clutching her throat. "Rey, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. It wasn't-"

"It's okay Ben. Seriously. What were you dreaming about?" Rey carefully asked.

"I-I think someone is going to try and kill me..."

"What? How do you know?"

"I saw a figure in my dream, it was blurry but I could make out a person. They were holding a simple blaster but when I tried to block it with my lightsaber, the blast flew right around it and hit me in the shoulder. Then they shot it again and I tried to stop it with the force and again it kept going and blasted me in the stomach"

Rey sat next to him on the edge of the bed. She grabbed his hand and reassured him, "Well maybe it was just a bad dream. Why do you think it was real?"

"It felt too real to be a dream. It was like I was actually there and I felt the blast hit me." Rey could tell Ben was starting to get worried. If there was some weapon out there that could dodge their weapons and the force, they were potentially in danger.

"It's okay Ben. I'll stay with you all day. We don't even know if it could happen today. We can-"

"No you have to stay away from. I can't let you get hurt because you're trying to protect me." Ben interrupted.

"That's what we do Ben. We protect each other. I'm staying with you all week no matter what you say." Rey commanded. Ben nodded and smiled.

He leaned closer to her and brought their lips together. Her hand rested on his cheek as they kissed completely in sync with one another. The kiss slowly became increasingly rough and full of lust. He slowly laid down on the bed and pulled Rey on top of him. She straddled his hips, her hands lightly pulled on his hair. He moved his hand up and down her body, feeling all of her curves. His hands moved down to her waist and slightly lifted her shirt. She smiled in his lips and nodded. He slowly lifted her shirt off, leaving her in her poor excuse of a bra. Rey pulled away from his face and tugged at his shirt, he quickly ripped it off over his head exposing his pale, toned abs. She sat on his lap and stared at his open stomach. He sat up and held her in his muscled arms. The room was completely silent except for their labored breathing. Their lips reconnected in a lust filled kiss and Rey knew exactly what was about to happen. His hands reached up behind her back to unconnect her bra.

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