Chapter 9

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After the chaos that occurred last night, the party was ultimately finished. Everyone went back to their quarters after a long night of drinking and dancing.

No one could find Finn. No one knew what happened last night except him, Rey, and Ben. No one knew why he wasn't who Rey thought he was.

Poe decided to go find Finn himself. He knew the places he liked to go to be alone. It wasn't often, but everyone needs their alone time. Additionally, he wasn't seen at all around camp, so he had to be elsewhere. Poe always had a connection with Finn, from the beginning when he helped him escape from the First Order on the Starkiller base. They have been the best of friends ever since. Maybe even more, but neither of them would admit that.

Making his way across the base, Poe found Rose working on a broken down speeder.

It took a moment for her to realize he was standing there. "Hey Poe! Have you seen Finn anywhere?"

"Nope, it seems that no one has."

"Hm. I wonder what happened last night." Rose set down her datapad before continuing. "It was so bizarre."

"I know. I'm going to go try and find him. I'll tell you if I find anything out."

"Sounds good. See you later Poe." She waved to him.

He gave her a curt nod and was on his way. He walked past the rest of the ships and went through the jungle. He stopped upon seeing a bush with beautiful blue and purple flowers. The entire bush was covered in them. Quickly, Poe contemplated whether to pick one or not. He chose to grab the most perfect one he could find. He held it in his hand for the rest of the journey of finding Finn.

He rounded the building that housed the entire resistance. The building was built into the side of a hill with one wall facing outwards to the jungle. He walked around the hill until he saw the edges of a large pond shadowed by tall trees. There he found a rather lonely Finn sitting on the outer banks of the pond. His boots were off and his feet were dangling over into the water.

"Hey Finn! We have been looking everywhere for you." Poe shouted.

Finn looked up from the ground to Poe. "Hi. Sorry...I just wanted to be away from everything and everyone"

Poe took a seat next to Finn also removing his boots and sinking his feet into the warm water. "So...what, ah, what happened last night?"

"I did something stupid. But, I did it because I believe in what I was fighting for." Finn calmly stated.

Almost immediately, Poe replied, "Specifics, please." Finn averted his eyes back to the pond. "You can tell me anything Finn." Poe grabbed the flower from earlier and placed it on Finn's thigh along with his hand.

Finn looked back at him with a slight smile, taking the flower and placing it in his coat pocket, making sure not to crush the petals. "You're going to look at me differently. Poe, it's bad."

"It's okay Finn. I won't think any less of you. I promise." Poe replied as he took Finn's hand.

"I-I tried to kill Ben."

Finn told Poe everything that happened those past few days. He told him about the bad feeling he felt about Ben right from the start. He told him about the meeting he had with the other resistance fighter. The advanced weapon that could get past any force user. His plans for getting him alone. He told him about how it was all his fault that Rey got shot and that she was hurt. Poe only sat and listened, occasionally adding a "hm" or nod of his head. Next, Finn told him all about his encounter with Ben after the party. How Rey found out about him in the most horrible way possible. About how he never wanted her to learn about it like that. He didn't want her to find out at all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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