Chapter 6

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It was the day after the mysterious man had shot Rey. She was released from the medbay early that morning. After Ben had got rid of the poison, she was perfectly fine, but the nurses kept her overnight to make sure she was okay.

Ben had stayed with her all night. He slept in the bed next to her, wanting to make sure she had enough room in her bed to sleep. The beds were pretty much cots so there wasn't much room for 2 people. When he woke up she was still sleeping and the nurse told Ben it was okay for her to go back to her own quarters so she's more comfortable.

Instead of waking her. Ben removed her blanket slowly and gently lifted her up in his arms. Bridal style.

He carried her throughout the hallways back to their quarters. She didn't weigh much, so it was incredibly easy for Ben to carry her. He opened the room with his elbow and walked over to the bed. Carefully, he placed her on her side of the bed and pulled the blanket up. Her eyes opened slightly and she smiled at Ben before falling back to sleep.

Ben looked at the clock and saw it was only 3:00am. He decided to go back to sleep as well. He pulled his shirt off and got into bed next to Rey, pulling her close to him, her back resting on his naked chest.

Her rhythmic breaths told him she was fast asleep. He was tired himself. Taking the poison out of her body, molecule by molecule took a lot out of him.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her even closer to him. He laced his fingers together with Rey's and fell asleep to the sounds of her quiet breathing.


Rey woke up first. She was completely smothered by Ben's hold but she didn't mind it. Smiling, she slowly moved his arms so she could escape. She decided to take a shower first, then go get them breakfast from the cafeteria.

She walked across the cold metal floor to the bathroom. She switched on the light and turned the water on. It took quite a while for the showers to heat up, the hottest the water ever got was lukewarm, but she didn't mind. It could always be worse.

She began taking her tunic off and her capri pants when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." she quietly said. She was standing in front of the small mirror that had a crack running from the top left corner to the top right. She only had her bra and capri pants on. Again, she didn't mind, he's seen her in less.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were partially unclothed."

She gave his shoulder a light tap, "You've seen me in else, Ben...and look!" She pointed to where she had been shot the day before.

Heat rose to Ben's cheeks as he bent down, examining the wound. It was healing up pretty good, thanks to Ben. It probably wouldn't scar either. He stood back up to his full height and gave her a nod. She was getting sick of his emotionless nods, she couldn't tell what he was feeling unless she used the force. She didn't like doing that though.

"Were you going to shower, cause I can go after you?" Ben quietly asked. Rey looked at him for a few seconds before answering.

"You ah...We can...just shower t-together. Saves water."

"Yeah it saves water and plus it would take forever for it to get warm again."

"Yes! Totally."

They both awkwardly stood there staring at each other. Rey gulped and began removing the rest of her clothes. Ben left to go grab his shirt to put back on after their shower. When he came back into the bathroom, Rey was already in the shower. He quickly took off his sweatpants and underwear, taking a deep breath before opening the door to get inside.

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