Chapter 25: Wake Up Call

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Chris: Where do you want to meet?

I look down from the seat on my bus reading it quickly. I put my cell phone in my lap thinking deeply when and where would I first meet Chris? What would we talk about? I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. What if he's a completely different person in person? Still, I did want to meet him. I wanted to see the person who meant so much to me.

Me: Where do you even go to school?

Chris: You've known me for how long and have yet to ask that? I thought you kinda assumed that we both went to the same one.

Me: .....I go to Northdale High.

Chris: Yeah, duh. Me too. It's just such a big school.

Me: We've probably seen each other somewhere.

Chris: Yeah, probably.

Me: Okay, when today? Lunch?

Chris: What about after school? More time to you know talk things out....

Me: Alrighty I mean if you can stand me for that long.

Chris: Where?

Me: I don't know. I don't really care.

Chris: What about the ice cream shop..?

Me: What ice cream shop?

Chris: ....The only one within walking distance from the school.

Me: What about the school?

Chris: The fountain?

Me: Yeah.

Chris: Okay, when?

Me: Today.

Chris: I'm up for it.

Me: After school though.

Chris: Specifically right after school. Got it.

We were really doing this. We were really meeting? To know he had always been going to my school was strange- but I had known this for a while. I didn't really pay much attention to it until now. Why didn't I care? Why didn't I want this sooner? I think it's because of the comfortability. I was scared to meet him in person. That he would be...a horrible person.

I need to swallow my cowardice and face him head on. He couldn't be any worse than anyone else I have met in my lifetime. The bus rolls into the parking lot. I jump up sliding the phone in my pocket. I do wonder if I know him- if I have met him before. If this is all just a joke.

I cross my arms and furrow my brow. Just a joke? I mean I've heard worse things happen to people who talk to others they don't know. So, I suppose it is entirely possible. And it's not like the whole school doesn't know of me.

God, that sounds conceited. But between my brother and that rumor started by Chris...and whatever happened with Ryan...I am definitely a topic of gossip. I find my seat in my first class not seeing any sign or Ryan or Chris. Which was fine with me. I tap my eraser on my desk listening to the teacher drone on when I hear my name over the loud speaker. Calling to me to the principal's office. My stomach twists into knots as I stand up remembering what happened last time I was there. I felt so embarrassed and disgusted.

I walk down the empty hallway the tension in my body building up as I pass the lockers and find my way to the office. I stand in front of the door as the secretary leads me to it and opens it for me. He was sitting on the phone, looking up he clears his throat and says,

"Hey, I gotta go. I'll speak to you later." He hangs up the phone and ushers me in with a wave of his hand. I come in and sit in front of him gripping my knees. He studies my face for a little while. "Well, it's very nice to see you Grace." He finally says with his arms crossed.

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