Chapter 26: Ryan Is A Flathead

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I roll over stumbling to get up and go to the shower. The heat runs down my body and I stand with my eyes closed under it. As the water hits and warms my skin I imagine Grace's face. Her touch. I imagine her lips kissing mine and the gentle caresses I yearned for. I feel myself start to fall back to sleep standing up but catch me when I feel my body trapped in a floating fall. I wake up fully turning around and rubbing my face.

I needed to tell Grace before it was too late. And today I would.

I step out and prepare for the battle. Sliding on a shirt and pants. I'm going to die today. I know I will. Grace is going to kill me. I walk out of the bathroom, running my fingers through my hair.

"Ryan...?" My little sister's voice calls out to me. I snap my eyes over to her and smile.

"Yeah?" I ask walking past her and giving her hair a ruffle.

"I don't feel good." She mumbles following me. I stop walking and turn to her. Her face was pale and as she looked up at me, her big eyes looked tired. Her skin looks clammy. I bend down and open my arms. She walks over and puts her head on my chest. With her scooped in my arms, I walk downstairs and set her on the cool counter. She winces from it as if the coolness hurt her from the inside. I get out a thermometer.

"Say 'aaahh'." I instruct. She does and I slide it under her tongue. "Now, close your mouth." She does and when the thermometer beeps, I sigh.

"What?" She asks her mouth sounding full.

"Looks like you're sick. No school for you." I mumble and she coughs nodding slowly. I pick her up and lead her to the couch. She lays down and shifts uncomfortably. I put a thin blanket over her. She shivers against it and whimpers. "I need to ask the neighbours if they can take care of you or if I do."

"What about Momma?" She groans. I look over to an empty chair.

"Looks like she already left for work." I mumble rubbing her back. Even we needed to pay the bills somehow. My mother had a job at a store and would come home and open a bottle of whiskey. "I'll be back." I watch her nod before I walk to the kitchen and dial the neighbour's house.

Pick up. Please pick up. Pick up. Pick-"hello? Ryan?" A warm voice of a woman calls out.

"Hi. I'm sorry I know you weren't expecting to hear from me until everyone was ready to be driven to school but I was wondering if you could help me out a bit more?" I ask gripping the counter and leaning against it.

"What's up?" She asks me.

"Amy is sick. I need someone to look after her when I'm in school." I say fast and wait for an answer. Static comes as an answer. Well, I guess not.

"I'm sorry Ryan. I have to go to work after I drop the kid's off. I can come by in the afternoon if you need to pick anything up." Her voice echoes in my mind. I rub my temples.

"Yeah that would be great. Thanks." I mumble.

"I'm sorry. " As she speaks I hear the rest of the kids getting up.

"It's ok. The rest of the kids will be ready soon."

"I'll come by and pick them up so little miss doesn't have to get up." Her voice chimes away.

"Thanks Mrs. Smith." I mumble and put the phone down. Sighing, I push Grace out of my mind long enough to get people's lunch and breakfast ready. The rest of the kids file down the stairs one yawn at a time to sit at the table in front of their toast and banana. It was the only thing they would eat. Well, that and poptarts and we were out of those.

"Is Amy okay?" Tommy asks me looking up with eyes warm enough to melt the snow.

"She's sick but it's okay. She'll be fine." I begin to run my hand up and down his back. He was a little sensitive to people getting sick in this house. I'm not sure why-- I don't think he was even old enough to remember his brother...

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