Chapter 6

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It was a fucking pregentcy test!? "You get away from OUR son!" (Y/n)'s mother yelled at me. I glared at her, with hate and anger. "Why do you want to keep him away from me? I'm his MATE and I won't let you take him away from me. And it's like you said Mr. (L/n), I kill for crying out loud." I growled at them. I smiled evilly. "If you even think about calling the cops on me because I'm here with the love of my life, then I'll kill you myself if needed." I growled again. I heard a gasp and looked down at (y/n). He looked up at me with happiness. "Jeff, that pregentcy test isn't my mom's. It's mine." He said, smiling. My eyes widen.

Me? A father? It probably won't end well...but what the hell! I smiled and kisses (y/n). I was so happy. We where happy. Up until we bother heard a gun. We looked up and we saw Mr. (Y/n) with a shotgun pointed at the back door. I looked behind me and saw slenderman, sally, and L.J. "Oh. Hey slenderass. Hello princess Sally. And fuck you L.J!" I said, flipping off the tall black and white clown. Sally and (y/n) giggled at my words. "So, I heard that (y/n) is pregnet with Jeff's child?" Slender asked. I nodded, putting at hand over (y/n)'s stomach. "I wont let you hurt it." I stated. Slender nodded. "(Y/n), you and your parents can come live with us. Since the baby is half creepypasta, it will need to be surrounded by creepypasta. There for, us. But it also needs to be surrounded by humans, so if you have any friends you want to come live with us, contact them now." Slender said. (Y/n) smiled happily. "I do have one friend." He said and stole my phone. How the fuck?!

He put in his friends number and called them up. "Hey (b/f/n), I need you to meet me at my house. And pack up like your going on a three month vacation." He said and hung up. "He won't miss his place after seeing how exited it is at the mansion." He said, cuddling into my chest. "MANSION?!" (Y/n)'s parents yelled at the same time. I glared at them. "Yes. Now go pack up. And if you want to keep your lives then I suggest you also pack protection. Stuff to protect you from the following: A demon clown (laughing jack), a crazy fan girl who is head over heels in love with me (Nina the killer), a pervert link wanna be (Ben drowned), a ghost girl (sally), a demon dog and cat (smile dog and grinny cat), a eyeless demon who will eat your kidneys (Eyeless jack), a boy with all kinds of disorders who's only love is waffles (ticci toby), a man who has O.C.D about filing cabinets (masky), a man who will kill you if you try and mess with the O.C.D guy (hoodie), a girl who tries to kill me every day (Jane the killer), a undead nurse (nurse ann), a crazy phyco doctor (doc. Smile or doc. Smily?????), my older brother who has a split personality who is crazy about killing me (Liu and sully), the guy who runs the whole joint (Slender man), the guy who will hurt you is you even BREATH on his art work (bloody painter), a demon puppet master (puppeteer), me (Jeff the killer), and my future child (choose a fucking name for this kid)."

~your POV~

Well, Jeff just freaked out my parents. The both fainted and fell on the floor. I laughed and me and sally went to go pack up for me and my parents to move into the masion.

lost boy (Jeff the killer x male!reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt