Kyoya x Tamaki- Eye Of The Devil Pt 1?

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Characters From Ouran High School Host Club!

(No One's POV)
Kyoya-senpai was sitting isolated and hard at work, typing away countless piles of constantly shifting money in a matter of minutes. Lately, it had seemed to be catching up to the second year student as he uncharacteristically never left his house to head to school Friday. It didn't take much to know how the club operated without the anchor, nor support of Kyoya behind Tamaki's far out plans or expensive outifts.

"Senpai! Can you please get a grip and help me solve this!?" Haruhi shouted with a tone just tipping on being pissed, Honey-senpai was surrounded by loli-adoring women. A very expensive cake that was due to arrive to the club for the sweets lover never made it. Usually that would be the time Kyoya would come in and easily have information to ease the Hosts minds. But sadly, his absence made that choice not so.

"B-But Takashi! I made it extra special for all of you! I'm so sorry ladies." Honey drooped his head and sulked, all the women around him immediately sprang into action, taking out sweets and using their funds and familial connections to provide sweets for the short teen.

"Don't be silly, Honey-senpai! It wasn't your fault. And you tried your best to keep the surprise." A particular woman chirped, patting the sulked mop of hair on the Host's head as she took out a small brownie set.

"Here, I made this for you to try. It's a family recipe in our sweets company." Honey brightened up in a wide grin, giggling and tilting his head to look up at the woman.

"Thank you, miss! I can't believe you are just as nice as you are pretty." The ladies around him comically gushed, hearts and awe's flying around the slowly growing crowd surrounding the blonde boy.

Tamaki, however, had been off his prime ever since his 'mommy' didn't show up nor greet him in shared classes or lunches. He was imagining worse cased scenarios left and right. Was Kyoya sick? Did his family have to move away? Did his company somehow fail and he had to hide his growing shame from the soon shrinking bank account and popularity he will get from being rich to commoner of the Ootori family? Did he get hit by his chauffer this morning trying to get to school?

Takashi shook his head silently at the display, lifting up Honey-senpai's gift and holding his chin.
"Now, Mitskuni, say "Ah'" The loli did as he was told, voicing his mouth opening and chomping down a bite of the brownie from Takashi's hand.

"Thanks, Takashi. It's so good! Mmm you have to try some." Honey broke off a soft bite and tried raising his hand to his cousin's mouth, but only showed cute, futile attempts to jump up to his tall height. Some ladies quietly awed while others squealed and tried to offer help. Then Takashi moved gracefully, lifting up Honey into his arms and looking at his partner with the same unreadable expression

".....Ah" He opened his mouth with a quiet sound, Honey laughed and placed the piece on his tongue watching him eat with big, sparkling eyes.

"Takashi, you never really eat sweets. You must really be curious about it huh?" The other agreed audibly, chewing and swallowing. The women around the two were frozen in time. If this was Takashi's first impression of sweets in front of the Host Club guests. Could this be a gift for the two hosts to combine in one basket?

With a heart thumping silence, Takashi hugged Honey tighter and gave a genuine smile. It was pointed to both Honey, and the woman with the brownies awaiting a reaction.

"It's good. Thanks." She nodded rapidly as her cheeks blazed scarlet, she bowed deeply in apology and ran off with a light head and her hand against her heart.

Haruhi could only roll her eyes, even if something in club as unusual as Kyoya not showing up, The Hosts still managed to keep their clients in the dark and feed them enough mystery to be as charming as...well that.

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