Ghost!Lams- Speckled Spector Pt 1

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It had been a year after his beloved had passed. And what little happiness he had with his friends sucked up drier than the scorching fields down South.

Alex doesn't mean any ill harm to Eliza, she's a gorgeous wife and a blessing of a partner. But compared to what he had with John, it was as if the passing also killed off his ambition, his sense of mind, a half of himself that left him both sexually and mentally empty.

So, when Eliza said she was heading over sea to visit Angelica. He had to refuse. Why? No better way to mourn the love of your second life than the city of love. John always mentioned how pretty Paris looked at a certain cafe. Alex himself never really cared for slower times such as sightseeing, but watching John's face light up and his eyes sparkle made him always erase every denial in his brain.

'I can already see you're trying to say no, Lex. When we go home I'm dragging you there whether you like it or not.' Jackie laughed playfully and looped himself in Hamilton's undercoat. He would've told him that it was his, but it looked cuter on him anyway.

'Fine, whenever mystical time we go to Paris. I'm all yours.' Alex shook his head while hearing himself. Absolutely smitten he was. It didn't even take a gust of wind to completely turn his stubborn opinions around.

A kiss planted on his lips and he melted, holding Laurens tight and smiling.

'And to think you belonged to me back in the tents~ Guess you changed your mind?' John flirted lightly.

'Never, maybe we can make it a reminder?~' Then he giggled, it was like an angel's bell. He giggled and held Alex tight, his breath tickling across his face and teasing his flushed, exposed neck.

'And to have me worried that being in the war would change you. Still a horndog.' John mounted his horse and trotted away, that would be one of the last times they would have a moment together. A real moment to display their affection.

You know what? I'll go, I'll take some time off to sit down for John.

I'll take a break for you. My love.

John's POV

Dying down South, I learned a lot of things while I felt my life slip away. Not only that I had failed my battalion, they would be sent home and I felt both shame and anger. Fuck those so called people for hurting others.

I also had to painfully watch each one of my friends open that letter and immediately sob. I cried more tears seeing them break apart than I did feeling the bullet in my body. They cared so much, I missed them more than I could have said.

But Alexander, my darling Alexander. He didn't shed a single tear hearing my letter from Eliza. But I knew him well, he'd been through too much to show weakness. To show tears.

He stiffened up, I could see his eyes and skin lose color. He did the one thing that he thought could fix this. He worked harder. I told him back in the tents that he shouldn't double the work to have me work less. I told him that I wasn't his wife and was capable of working with him no matter how late, how difficult, and how dangerous.

But hearing me die, it broke him. How can I work hard if I'm dead? He took my dreams and carried them on his own. That's what I loved and hated about him.

Toxic Dedication.

From then on I showed myself to Philip, kid's amazing and watching him grow up was like looking in a mirror. Cutie was just like his father.

He talked and talked, even pretending to debate with me while standing on his bed to be the same height. Now for a kid, I'll admit we had gotten pretty heated during those debates. He was as stubborn as he was handsome.

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