Just One Glance

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Kongpob's POV

I looked into the mirror with a bored expression as my close friend Oak tried to fix my clothes. I was least bothered by the impression I was supposed to create. I knew this night was just another boring Meeting, with countless Omegas trying to get me with themselves. I seriously couldn't understand the point of this at all. Yes, I had just returned to my own land after a long time of Royal training, as a fully mature Alpha. But that didn't mean that all this was necessary.

I didn't want to mate with any of those smelly, unlikeable , stuck up Omegas. I mean, I had slept with a few before but seriously, none of their scents was even closing to pleasing. In fact I had actually breathed through my mouth in quite a few mating sessions, because the stench was just horrible. I was just mating for my sexual urges.

But now, I was going to be forced to smile through an entire evening of sitting around money hungry Omegas. I was brooding and being a complete arse. But how could anyone blame me?

"Kong, if you don't stand still, I can't fix this for you." Oak said, exasperated.

"Sorry." I gruffed out.

"Stop sulking Prince." Aim, my best friend and Beta chuckled from his seat on my couch.

I made a face at him before Oak poked me with a dressing pin, threatening to actually hit me if I moved any more. Sighing, I resigned to my fate before Oak decided to follow his threats.


I arrived at the Royal Hall, with Aim and Oak at my side. A huge crowd of people had gathered and I could already see that this night was going to leave me dead bored. I got down from the carriage, putting on my famous charming smile but then, I stopped in my tracks.

There were Omegas all around, but in front of me was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. Pale skin, raven hair, plump lips, breathtaking beauty. He was dressed like a commoner, in simple garbs which did no justice to his beauty. But he stood out.

I let my eyes roam over his slim body, and just this simple act triggered different reactions all over my body. Funny enough, he too seemed to be doing the same thing. And then, our eyes met.

To say that his eyes were beautiful would be a massive understatement. Doe like eyes that looked so innocent that my Alpha howled. I wanted to devour him, ravish him. By Lupa's Grace, I swear the things I wanted to do to him! I didn't even know him, but I felt something deeper than I had ever felt, almost like I had just found a missing piece of myself.

(A/N: Lupa is the Roman Goddess of Wolves.)

I wanted to smell him, for some reason, I knew the Alpha in me would appreciate it. He would smell sweet and I just knew it! But before I even had a chance to go near him, Aim's annoying voice brought me back to reality.

"Stop eye fucking the boy. You need to go inside."

"I want to know him. Pull out all tricks you know. I need to know about him." I told Aim and Oak, knowing well that they will get the job done. I walked to the massive doors at the entrance, but being unable to resist, I turned back to take one look at him before the putrid stench of bitchy omegas hit my nose hard.


I mingled around with the guests for a little while till Aim silently beckoned me over to him. I knew he had found out information about the boy. I could never understand how Oak and Aim managed to do this, but they always got out all the information I needed.

"His name is Arthit. Arthit Rojnapat. He has a step mother and step brothers who treat him like vermin. His birth parents are dead. His father left all his wealth to his new wife. So basically, he has no inheritance of his own. His step brothers are here. Nat and Sam. He likes animals and reading. Shy boy, doesn't mingle a lot. I don't know if he is an Omega or not."

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