Before the Mark

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Arthit's POV

I let Kongpob sleep as I climbed out of bed, the events of the past night still very fresh in my mind. I hated seeing him that way, especially because I knew that it wasn't his fault. Not at all. I looked out at the clear sky, and prayed that whoever the lady was, she was resting in peace now.

"Arthit?" A groggy voice beckoned me as I saw a sleepy Kong looking at me. He looked so adorable that I couldn't stop smiling. "Yes, my Prince?"

He held out his hand to me and I gladly accepted it, climbing back into bed, as I snuggled into his warmth and scent. Soon, we drifted back to sleep.


I squirmed under the Queen's accusatory glare as she chewed our ears off. Well, given the position she had found us in, it wasn't a surprise that she was angry. Wrong choice of words, she was practically a living breathing dragon right now.

"What part of, "stay away from each other" do you two not understand? You are supposed to let this Courting get over. What's wrong with you two?"

Kongpob opened his mouth to say something but she glared at him, making him keep his mouth shut. I mean, I couldn't really blame her for being angry. She had found us entangled in each other's embrace, and although we were fully clothed, it wasn't a very appealing sight to her. So, that brought us to our current position, in her private chambers.

Kongpob was sitting on the bed looking like a child who was being scolded for eating too much candy, which technically wasn't that far from the truth. And I was sitting on the couch, on the opposite side of the room. While the Queen paced around the room, almost breathing fire.

"My son is irresponsible, but you Arthit?"

"But Mother, we really didn't do anything except sleeping. Really!" Kongpob said.

"As if I believe that. Why was he in your room Arthit? Why did you allow it?"

I gulped but I knew what I had to say. "I had to perform my duties as his Mate, your highness. He needed me, and nothing could be as important as his well being. But, I swear on my Mate's life, we engaged in no physical activity."

The Queen looked at me for a few seconds, as if thinking whether to believe me or not. And then, she nodded. "I understand."

As Omegas, we understood each other better than anyone else. Alphas had their insecurities too, and as Omegas, it was a natural instinct to stay by our Alphas when they needed us. Alphas tended to be more unstable with their emotions, and they needed someone to anchor their feelings to. It was important that I stayed with him when he was feeling so insecure.

And I knew from the look in her eyes, that she really understood.

"How come you don't believe me when I say anything?" Kongpob whined and again received a glare from the Queen.

She sighed, before saying, "It's not my fault you have no control when it comes to your mate."

"It's not my fault my Mate is so irresistible." Kongpob stated, matter-of-factly, making me blush.

"Cheesy, like your father." The Queen rolled her eyes. "But right now, I want to say something, something important. Arthit, I want you to train for self defence. Being the Consort won't be easy. There will always be someone to harm you. You must know to protect yourself." Her expression was dead serious.

She looked at me and then at Kongpob. Kongpob nodded. "I was thinking the same. If you are okay with it, Cinderella, you need to start training."

I looked at the two of them, and then nodded. I had thought of this too. Omegas were always unsafe. And if Kongpob thought it was a good idea for me to train, instead of taking it as a bruise to his Alpha ego and thinking that he could protect me at all times, it meant that I honestly needed to train.

"But, I will stay with you. I will train you personally, or in case I am not able to be there, only the people I trust will come near you." I chuckled at his possessive expression. After all, an Alpha was always an alpha.


I was in the far end of the Royal library, looking through books to help Kongpob's Alpha communicate with him again. I knew it was taking a toll on him, and I wanted it to end. So far, I had found nothing. I sighed, resting my head against the bookshelf. How would I help him like this?

Just then, a familiar scent filled my nostrils and I whipped my head around to see Kongpob standing there, with a glass of pink milk in his hand. "Hello Cinderella, why are you trying to become Belle today?" He said as he approached me, my face muscles automatically pulled into a smile. Seriously, what was wrong with my face every time he was around?

"I am looking for something." I said as I accepted the drink gratefully, drinking in the cool sweetness. He took a look at the books I was going through and sighed. "Arthit, you don't have to do this... I am ok... it's alright... he is still communicating with you right?"

I nodded. "Then it's alright. He is fine, I am fine. You don't have to stress yourself out anymore."

I looked down, not wanting to give up just yet. "But... I can see you suffering... you... how do I just stand by and watch? It's not possible for me..."

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his embrace and I rested my head on his chest. "Kongpob, I love you." I blurted it out before I knew what I was doing. I felt him draw in a quick breath and I looked up at him, anxious of his response. We had never really told each other those three magical words.

What if he doesn't love me? What if it's too soon for him? What if...

"I love you too, Cinderella. So much." He pulled me closer to himself and I breathed in his scent, feeling giddy. I clasped my hands around his neck and pulled apart slightly to look into his eyes. And before I knew it, I found myself inching closer to touch his lips with my own.

As I fixed my lips against his, I felt his shoulders relax as he eased into the kiss, softly. His tongue invaded my mouth, as if on a hunt for something only he could find. I pulled him closer, our lips still fused together. He moaned into my mouth as the urgency increased, both of us kissing like our lives depended on it.

I was calling out his name in a mad frenzy as he attacked my neck, by back slammed against the bookshelf so that I was trapped between the shelf and his warm body. He gripped my hands, placing them above my head, leaving me powerless to do anything except moan as his mouth ignited heavenly feelings in my whole body.

And just as I thought he was going to get rid of the offending garments, he pulled away, making me whine.

"Cinderella, you should go. I won't be able to hold myself anymore. I can't... if I take you now, I will make you mine completely... go... please." I could hear the plea in his voice and I nodded, trying to calm my racing heart. I could understand. Not that I was pleased about it, but I could understand.

Wordlessly, I turned away, walking through the long hallway lined with shelves, towards the exit. And I was almost there when I stopped. Why was I walking away? I wanted him to claim me. The Courting was meant for the mates to get acquainted with each other, and to know each other better before they gave themselves to each other. But I didn't need any more time. I was sure of my decision.

I was in love with him. Why should I wait any longer? I turned around, running back. After all, I had an Alpha to make mine!

How many of you can guess what happens in the next chapter? *wink wink*
I am having trouble writing these days because of my ever increasing schoolwork. But I will try to update as soon as I can.

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Yours faithfully,

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