10 - Clique

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"The parties tomorrow and I have nothing to wear" I complain to Nick as he drives me home.

"It's just a casual party where you'll most likely get wasted and forget about it, no ones going to care what you wear. Just wear clothes" Nick explains turning his car at a crossroad.

"What clothes?" I panic, as I've said I've never really been to a party. What was I meant to wear?

"Ones that cover your body...or you could come without any clothes. I'm sure some people won't mind" Nick says casually with both of his hands on the steering wheel.

"Damn it Nick, stop being such a pervert" I smack him on the arm and I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"I said 'some people' not me!" He explains.

"Some people equals you. Luke constantly teases me about your little walk in" I look out of the window.

"He's just an asshole. Like you said, it didn't mean anything and I'm sorry I saw what I saw. But it wasn't much, I didn't see a boob or anything" Nick shrugs his shoulders and continues to concentrate on the road ahead.

"Can we drop this conversation? It seems like you're disappointed you didn't see a 'boob' "

"Its not that I'm disappointed, I just could of gotten more out of that embarrassing experience" he admits.

"God damn Nick" I sigh and shake my head as he pulls up outside my house.

"Remember, tomorrow after school. We're going to party!" He punches his arm into the air, changing the subject quickly.

"Woo party" I copy his action of punching his fist in the air.

I shut the car door and wave to him he changes the gear on his car and pulls away. My mom and dads cars were both in the drive. It wasn't very often we were together as a family so it was nice for us to all come together for once. I open up the door and slide my bag off of my bag.

"Hey mom, hey dad" I shout. Their heads poke out from the kitchen.

"Clementine! You're actually here for once" my dad moans as he slumps himself down on the couch with a newspaper.

"Leave her alone Ed, she's just out with her friends. Just like you as a teenager" my mom backs me up and stays on my side. My dad just rolls his eyes.

"I'm going to a party tomorrow" I announce.

"A party?" My dad lowers his newspapers, instantly interested in my words.

"Yes dad, a party."

"What kind? Will boys be there? Is there going to be any drugs or alcohol?" My dad asks nervously.

"Ed leave her be, if she wants to go to a party. Let her. If she gets drunk and gets a hangover, that's her own fault and she can learn from her own mistakes" my mom was right. If I did get drunk my consequences of headaches and my mistakes would be my own fault and I would learn very quickly not to drink again. But I wanted to go, I wanted to get drunk. I wanted to feel like everyone should feel in high school, free.

"I'm just concerned Diana. That's all" My dad said, he was a stocky man. Used to work as an engineer before he was promoted and took over the firm. He was now the owner of an engineering company, reeling in a good amount of dollers.

My mom on the other hand was a doctor. She was smart and was always the one to speak sense into my dad which is what I loved most about her. My mom spoils me, I had passed the age of 16 a couple of months ago. My mom and dad were going to buy me a car but I refused. I didn't really want a car to be honest, it was much more fun to get other people with cars to drive you around aka. Luke and Nick.

"I'll keep safe, I promise and order a cab at the end of the night" I ensure them.

"No, I'd much prefer to pick you up" my dad insists.

"I'd much prefer to get a cab" I argue back.

"Do you want to go to the party or not? I will pick you up at 12, or sooner if you call." He informs me.

"But can't I just-"

He stops me mid sentence.

"I'm not letting you get drunk just to sleep around with some boys you don't know. Curfew is midnight and I take you home. That's my final offer" he says with a stern look.

"Fine" I sulk. There was no point in arguing with my dad. He would nearly always win.

The next day at school felt like it dragged on forever. All I wanted to do was go to that stupid party. What a loser I was.

"Might shave for the ladies tonight" Nick says as he strokes his chin and neck.

"What ladies?" I smirk.

"There will be ladies" Nick insists. I hope he did find someone he liked, he was a great guy and I loved him. As a good friend of course, our relationship had built over the past couple of weeks, it was safe to say he was my best friend.

As we walk over to our group I see in the corner of my eye something that makes me nearly bring up half of my lunch. Behind the bike shed Carver had his hand in Rebecca's hair, making out.

"I really hope Alvin doesn't walk past here" Nick remarks as we casually stroll past.

"Carver will be a dead man if he sees that, why's she with him anyway?" I ask Nick.

"They've been on and off for a long time. Not sure if Rebecca likes Alvin or Carver, who knows now a days?"

We finally find our way to our group. Luke pecked Rachel on the cheek as we came over, it was as if Rachel told him to do it whenever I was close.

"All ready for the party tonight?" Nick asks placing his hands on his hips.

"As ready as I'll ever be" Rob remarks scruffing his hair.

"Luke?" Nick questions Lukes opinion.

"It'll be fun, I guess" he shrugs his shoulder as Rachel grips onto his arm.

"It'll definitely be fun, sorry you can't drink" Rachel says stroking her index finger against his chest. I cringe.

"Yeah, about that. I might be with Nick and the guys most of the night. I'm not going to be taking my car, its too dangerous" Luke rubs the back of his head.

"So you're not driving? How will me and the girls get home?" She looks at him, her face was filling with anger.

"We can get a cab together instead. I'm not driving but I am drinking. I want to have fun too" Luke admits.

"You're so embarrassing. Now I have to tell all of my friends they have to bring money for a fucking cab? Ridiculous!" She remarks.

What was her problem? Luke wasn't her bitch. He could do whatever he wanted, she didn't control him and I hope that she didn't affect his decisions. If he wanted to drink, he could drink. If he didn't want to drive, he didn't have to. She was just being a controlling bitch.

"Its illegal to drink and drive Rachel, I'm not doing that. Isn't underage drinking a big enough offence already?" Luke tries to talk some sense into her raising his voice slightly.

"It doesn't matter, I shouldn't have to get a cab" she says like a spoilt brat. She made me so angry. She must of had some sort of controlling bitch illness. There was no other explanation for her stupidity. A ditsy blonde if you ask me.

Even if I was going out with someone like Luke I wouldn't treat him like that. He was actually a nice guy once you got past the line of girls waiting for him to actually notice them. Rachel didn't know how lucky she was to be with Luke. Wait a second...did my mind practically admit to liking Luke?

I give Luke a look as he gives Rachel a glare as I think about him in my head. Jesus Christ....I think I fitted in the clique.

I liked Luke.


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