30 - Ingrate

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A week or so passes and Braydon continues to bug me. I didn't want him anywhere near me but sometimes it was near to impossible to get him to stop. He had really been buddying up to Luke lately and that worried me. Saturday night was the worst night I could think of.

I was sat at home, doing my homework. I knew the boys had gone out together that night but at midnight I received some pictures that I didn't want to see. They were sent from Luke's phone.

The pictures showed Luke at what looks to be rager. In every picture he was wearing the same T-shirt. What worried me most was I had been with him when he brought the T-shirt meaning that these pictures were recent. He had a girl on his lap in one, another with him smoking weed, yet another with a random girl wrapping her tongue around his.

I couldn't look anymore. I decided to text Nick.

'Where are you? Are you at that party?'

I kick my feet back and forth for a little while anxiously waiting for my phone to vibrate.

'It's killer. I'm sitting outside, there's too many people here. I don't know where Braydon and Luke are' Nick texts back.

'Have you been drinking?'

'A little bit. I'm still functioning.'

'Can you find Luke and tell him to ring me?'

'Brb I'll go and find him'

I wait for at least 10 minutes before there's a reply from Nick. I nervously unlock my phone.

'I need to come and speak to you. Can I come round?' Nick asks.

'Sure. Bedroom windows open' I tell him. My parents were asleep since it was late, I didn't want them being awoken by Nick stumbling in and knocking his fist against the front door.

I then begin to wait again flicking through the pictures once more. They made me feel sick at one point I gagged. I just wanted to cry, were they real? They had to be!

I heard a knock at the window. I walked over and lifted it open and signalled for Nick to climb through. He tumbled inside my room.

"You okay?" I ask cracking a smile at the fact he knocked his hat off coming in. He picked it up and places it back on his head.

"Fine, I need to talk to you about Luke and Braydon" Nick says.

"Go ahead"

"I think Braydon is trying to get Luke to do something stupid so you hate him." Nick catches his breath as he expresses his theory.

"Like this?" I turn my phone around to face him and scroll through the pictures.

"Holy shit, I was not there for that." He points out smiling a little at Luke doing disgusting things to a girl.

"Its not funny" I snarl at him and he instantly turns serious.

"You didn't call me here for sex did you? Like last time?" He asks. Why would he even bring that up?

"No" I say with a stern look.

"You sure?" He gives me a creepy smile.

"No" I confirm.

"Not even a li-"


Since when did Nick become so interested? It must have been the small amount of alcohol talking in his system. I wouldn't do anything with Nick or even Luke at this point. I was furious at Luke for the pictures.

"I just wanted your help, I didn't know what to do" I sit myself down on the edge of my bed and Nick follows.

"Well Luke ain't a bad guy, he's changed a lot since he met you" Nick explains.

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