15 - Rain

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"Dad can you come and pick me up?" I ask my dad down the phone. I wait anxiously for a response, there was no way my mom would be able to pick me up, her work was always too busy.

There was silence for a second. As if he had hung up. I walked along the road trying to make some distance between me and Luke's house. Suddenly the grey clouds began to crackle and rain poured down.

"I can't at the moment honey, I won't be able to come home for another 2 or so hours. Have you tried your mom?"

"You know how busy she is" I remind him trying to shelter my head with my arm as I walk.

"You could catch the bus" he suggests.

"There isn't any buses around here" I continue to stride down the sidewalk. Rain splashing against the asphalt.

"Why don't you try and call some of your friends?" He gives me another suggestion.

"I'll try"

"If you don't get any reply call me again and I'll have to send one of the guys to pick you up." I really didn't want one of my dads engineering friends to pick me up, they were strange and some had the constant scent of cigarettes attached to them.

I say goodbye to my dad and I find an bridge for me to stand under. I run underneath to shelter myself from the cold rain. I flick through my contacts, who would I ask to rescue me?

Only one name comes to mind. Nick.

"Hey Clem, you okay?"

"Not really, I'm sort of under the Houghton bridge and I need a ride" I admit, rain battered against the floor, it was hard to hear his response.

"You want me to come get you?" He asks.

"Please" I shiver.

"I'll be about 10 minutes"

I wait in the cold for around 15 minutes. Where the hell was he? The rain continued to shoot towards the ground, it didn't rain that often but when it did it was harsh. I sat on my phone trying to connect to Instagram or some other social media site but my 3G decided it didn't want to work.

But then a blue pickup splashes round the corner taking water under its tires. It pulls up beside me and I stand up, I looked like a drowned rat. I pulled open the car door and sat in the car.

"You okay? I brought you a towel" he passes me a blue towel. I was thankful for his thoughtfulness. He was so kind hearted it was unbelievable.

"Thanks" I say drying off my face and wrapping it around my shoulders to keep myself warm.

"In was a little late because I wanted to make sure you kept warm" he reaches in the back and pulls out a paper cup with the Starbucks logo on the side.

"Oh my God, Nick you are the best" I let out a little squeak.

"One hot chocolate for you" he proceeds to pass me the cup. I grasp it in my hands allowing the heat to transfer from the cup to my fingers instantly warming them up. I take a long sip.

"Thank you so much, I'll have to repay you. I have some money at home" I tell him as he starts up the car.

"No need, I'm fine. It didn't break the bank at all and its better for you to not die from hypothermia than spend a couple of dollars." He turns the car around and heads towards my house.

We drive home talking about general things. The hot chocolate warmed me up tremendously. I couldn't express to Nick how thankful I was to his hospitality. I allow him to walk with me to my front door and he stands on the doorstep like a mug.

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