18 - Annoymous Tip

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The rumours about me spread throughout the week. Luke told me to ignore them but it was hard. I didn't know how to react to them. I was being bullied on my social media accounts like Instagram which I ended up deleting. I didn't want to deal with the hate.

Tonight was the night me and Luke would be going out for dinner and that was all I could think about. The dress I was going to wear was the best part of going out. I found a long red dress I had been saving for a nice occasion at the back of my closet. I was thankful I could finally use it.

But before I could go out on the amazing date I would have to face another day at school. Today Nick wasn't in school, which was strange, he was never usually ill. I asked Luke about it.

"Where's Nick?" I ask Luke holding his hand as he walks me to my next lesson. He quickly glances at his watch and looks at the date.

"Oh shit, yeah. He doesn't ever come in school on this date. He has a good reason not to" Luke explains with a sad face.

"Why?" I was curious. Nick was still my friend, I still had a duty to worry about him.

"Its hard to explain, if he wants to tell you, he will. Its not my job to say" Luke admits.

This was good on Luke. If Nick asked for him not to tell anyone, it was good Luke was keeping his secret safe.

"I understand" I tell him. He kisses me on the lips and says goodbye as I walk into my classroom.

Class was boring as hell since Nick wasn't sat beside me cracking jokes, which in fact I loved and was the only thing that made the lesson interesting.

"I heard that Luke's back in the game" said the person sitting behind me. I tried not to listen, I knew that whatever they were saying was just to annoy me. It just so happened they were some of Rachel's friends.

"Well the other day I saw him behind the bike shed with Alexis" one of the cheerleaders giggles. My teeth clamp together, I didn't want to be responsible for slapping my hand round a bitches face and pulling their hair out. I wanted to control my anger. I wrote down the date in my book and attempted to ignore them, just like Luke had said.

"No way, I saw him with Ella just last Tuesday. He's such a man whore. A sexy man whore" they begin to giggle to each other. I couldn't hold it in any longer I swing my chair around to face them.

"Can you please shut the fuck up?" I ask them glaring at their make up covered faces. It was as if they had pressed their faces into a bag of flour before coming to school.

"Some bodies feisty. I can see why Luke claims you to be his full time bitch" the girl snaps. My anger builds.

"Fuck you" I growl.

"Calm down little C. We were just trying to warn you about Lukey. He's touched nearly every girls boobs in the school. Open your eyes" she hisses. I gave her a glare. I couldn't deal with this.

I stood up. As much as I wanted to pull the bitches hair out and slam her face against the desk, but I didn't. My parents still didn't know about my little incident with Rachel and I really didn't want them to know about me knocking a couple of heads together.

Then I just walked out of the classroom. The teacher looked at me as I left. He didn't seem too bothered that I had missed out on a lesson of Religious studies. I ran to the girls toilets. I didn't want to be disturbed.

I locked myself into a cubicle and I couldn't help but cry. It was like being punched in the gut repeatedly every time someone mentioned Luke's...past. Well I hoped it was his past.

I cupped my head in my hands and sobbed. It was all so overwhelming. I didn't know who to speak to or who to go to. I was still looking forward to my night out with Luke tonight. I wiped away my tears and held myself together. They were only trying to wind me up and me crying was just allowing them to win.

Tonight I was going to have a good night and I couldn't let them stop me.

I didn't tell Luke about the lesson and how I was practically bullied to embarrassment but I was very quiet on the way home.

"Everything okay?" Luke asks as he drives me home.

"Yeah" I sigh leaning my elbow on the car window looking out at the passing scenery.

"I want to make sure everything tonight is perfect. I'll pick you up at 7, yeah?" I could see his head turn slightly towards me as he speaks but his eyes still locked onto the road.


"I've booked a real nice restaurant, I hope you'll like it" he says. I felt a little distance.

"I'm sure it'll be fine no matter what" I say to try and keep Luke's mind from racing trying to discover why I was acting so distant from him, I was suspicious. Maybe he had taken some of his other girlfriends to the same restaurant before?

"I hope so." He stops the car as it rolls up beside my house.

"I'll see you at 7 then" I give him the best smile I could.

"7" he repeats. He touches the back on my head and pushes me towards him so he could kiss me. I lean over the middle of the car to reach his lips.

After our quick kiss I jump out of the car and give him a little wave. His truck pulls away and I smile. Maybe what everyone had been saying was wrong, he seemed genuine. I couldn't imagine him being with anyone else but me.

I decided to watch a little bit of Netflix to calm my nerves for the date. I had never really been on a proper date before, it made my nerves shoot to the sky.

After a few episodes of my favourite TV show I decide its time for me to get ready. I have a quick shower and dry my hair then proceed to put my make up on my face, as delicate as an artist. But then my phone buzzes. I expected it to be Luke, I had about half an hour before he came to collect me.

'One new message - Unknown number'

I stare at the screen for a little while before sliding the unlock button. What I saw on my phone I couldn't prepare myself for.

"Oh my God" I whisper to myself.

The images disgusted me, I flicked through every one whilst my stomach churned.

Around 10 pictures of Luke had been sent to me, each and everyone was a picture of him making out with a different girl. My heart sunk into my stomach, was this...real? How could it be fake?

I look at the pictures again. Although I didn't want too. The pictures were definitely of Luke and I recognised some of the girls. Was this some kind of revenge put in place by Rachel? If it was, it was working. I stared at the red dress I had laid out on my bed.

I didn't want to go out with that...scum. I quickly dressed myself in my casual clothes. I placed my phone in my pocket and locked the front door. I then began to walk, I was hoping that Luke didn't drive up the road and see me.

I kept walking and walking. The stress inside me was building. But I couldn't help but keep glancing at the pictures.

I continued to walk until I got to the only house I knew I would be safe at.


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